I just wanted to say thank you all for your help regarding my marriage issues in the last week. I appreciate the support. Many of you expressed concern for my safety, so i wanted to let you know how things have ended up.

At this point, my husband has refused marriage counseling. He wants me to come home and work out between us, but I don't feel confident that without outside assistance anything will change. The distance has made me see some of the violence of the bit of our relationship more clearly, and I am not sure that I could ever go back anyways.

I am seeking a divorce and meeting with my lawyer early next week. I am choosing not to press charges, although in an email my lawyer said it may be necessary to activate the prenup.

Again, thank you all for your support. I can't tell you how much it meant that so many people cared about if I was safe or not. Now all that is left is to start telling friends and family.