In the West we live in a society where men really just aren't men anymore.

In the west, many of us have been given all the food we could want, when for 99% of human history we were on the brink of starvation. We're as privileged as can be.

We're taking our lives for granted, we only have one life but a lot of men are WILLING to be a wageslave who fantasies about killing his boss and turning his life around (he never does it).

Most men today know hardly anything about being men. What many people call 'toxic masculinity' is simply men adopting fake masculinity because they were never taught what being men was.

Many men today don't stand up for themselves, they get bullied, and they weren't popular in school.

They also don't know how to have relationships with women. There is an extraordinary amount of men who have never even had sex before.

Many men are being filled with hatred for women, because they themselves are to blame, but they have no idea what went wrong or any idea how to improve, which probably comes from a big hidden ego.

And so comes the redpill into many mens lives.

Let me say, if our society's men didn't have the problem mentioned above, the redpill would be NOTHING.

The only value of the redpill in all honesty, was that it rebelled against the common life style and perspective of most men in western society. For many men, THIS is their life.

  • high school
  • college
  • job you might never have wanted
  • marriage
  • kids
  • potentially divorce
  • death

The redpill says no to this. And that is why the large majority of men join it. If it didn't have this rebellion against western men's crap lifestyle and point of view, it would be some obscure subreddit.

After a month without the redpill, I'm starting to realize the stuff that worked and the stuff that didn't.

There was:

  • Good beliefs: Lift, exercise, stay in shape, don't be fat, get muscular, read books, be more confident, stop spending time on the internet, think about who you are in a relationship with, stand up for yourself, women aren't your savior, be respected, stop playing video games, stop drinking so much beer.

  • Bad Beliefs: Hypergamy only wants the top 20% of men, women are incapable of love, neg that bitch, pick up artistry, bitch, approach everyday, the shit test, the dark triad, did I say bitch?, men are better than women, single moms are subhuman.

Men come for the good beliefs, and once they are there, they adopt the bad beliefs.

All too often, men take the redpill after a breakup, or a rejection.

I won't deny that the redpill made my life better. I used to be a skinny pale fuck who never exercised or stood up for himself. Now people respect me, I look good, I like looking myself in the mirror and I'm way more confident.

But this was only because of adopting the good beliefs.

If you check most of the books the redpill recommends and subtract the ones about sex and women, you get a good book collection.

My post is designed to give many men a perspective on why they joined and stayed in the redpill.

All the good info the redpill gave was honestly the stuff society should have taught you.

If you want to still improve like you did while under the redpill, but don't want the redpill, I would recommend you read more books.

The youtube channels Illacertus, and Fight Mediocrity, have good animated videos about books you should read.

ModernMachivelli has a good book list.

If any people still under the redpill are reading this, I have one thing to say, you're going to see cracks in the redpill world view, and they'll get bigger as time goes on.

Also I'm deleting this account right after I post this, because I only needed this account to post on here, so later dudes.