Some content is banned or restricted on r/PurplePillDebate for various reasons and each of these cases are different. In this context banned means the content is not allowed under almost any circumstances(a passing mention for instance might be allowed). Restricted content is content that is allowed, but only if certain conditions are met. Typically those conditions are going to be quality or relevance.


Racially Charged Content

Racially charged content is posts where the main thesis or topic of the post is race. These posts will be removed. Comments that are racially charged are permissible, but only if relevant of course. Race-baiting is against the rules.

Incel/Blackpill Content

Incel/Blackpill content is defined as content that pertains directly to an incel/blackpill subreddit, forum, YouTube channel or talking point. A number of topics that may count as incel content go as follows: bone structure, 80/20, government ran prostitution, lookism and height. This is where it becomes a bit more precarious. These topics are technically allowed, but the way they are presented also matters. Posts that are more querulous, ranting and fatalistic, combined with the above topics mentioned in this section will be banned. Comments about incels also apply under this rule as well, but they will typically break the "woe is me" rule. Incel users are welcome to participate as long as they do not break any rules as well. Another note to, disagreeing with someone or finding something they wrote in a comment offensive does not count as incel content. For instance you can make a post about "80/20", but if it comes off as whiny or fatalistic, it will most likely be removed under this rule, if it is properly presented it should be fine.



What feminism content is, ought to be straightfoward- it is content about feminism or feminists. This content is allowed, but only if it is directly relevant to dating, sex, relationships, r/TheRedPill etc. Another factor in whether or not this content will be approved, is the quality of the post. Posts that are insufficient in length, rants or extremely bias discussions presented about feminism will be removed.


Posts about abortion will be removed unless they are relevant to the subreddit. This is not a place to argue about what the moral or legal status of abortion. These types of posts will count as "off-topic" content.

Female Dating Strategy

r/FemaleDatingStrategy has kind of blown up recently. This content will be under the restricted list. Posts complaining about the status of the moderators on r/FemaleDatingStrategy will be removed. low-effort rants about r/FemaleDatingStrategy will be removed. Discussions about r/FemaleDatingStrategy that are off-topic will be removed. Discussions about the moderation or the status of the subreddit(not-quarantined) will also be removed.

The general theme behind this restricted content is it being off-topic or unrelated to the subreddit, but these are addressed specifically due to their current or previous popularity.


Ok Boomer

Typing "Ok Boomer" at someone as a reply is against the rules, it seems a tad ridiculous to me that this needs to be clarified. This will typical fall under incivility or trolling, but there seems to be an uptake in users just writing this at people.

Discussions and Change My View

Discussions posts are meant to be neutral, and bring up a question to be discussion. Discussions posts are not meant to discuss your personal view or your personal take on an issue. If you would like to do so, then make it into a CMV(Challenge my view post). If your post is misflaired or if you intend to have people just "discuss" the topic you brought up, it will be removed or reflaired appropriately. The reason why this rule is in place is to prevent excessive agreement or circlejerking. Post titles for discussions also must be neutral and post titles for CMVs should try to contain the general conclusion to the argument.

Questions and Question For Women

The only types of questions you can ask on here are: QuestionForRedPill, QuestionForPurplePill, QuestionForBluePill, QuestionForWomen and QuestionForMen. Questions pertaining to more narrow demographics such as age, marital status or political view are not allowed.

On another note when a post is tagged as "QuestionForX" it means that demographic answers that question. There has been an excessive amount of male users answering for QuestionForWomen and the inverse does not happen. People who repeat this are going to begin receiving warnings and eventually bans. This is the only question type where this issue appears. Please review the subreddit posting guidelines here. Here you can also find a list of more banned/restricted topics, but they are not as relevant anymore and antiquated as rules, but still apply.

If you have any further questions about this, post them onto this sticky and a moderator will answer them.