This one will be fairly short.

I created a financial model for our family a while ago, accounting for free spending for my wife and myself - simply earmarked money.

Our last conversation about it was ~8 weeks ago, prior to my first OYS. I realized I needed to get my own act together to be able to properly enforce my boundaries, get accountability, etc. The last 2 months, my wife's been great. So I responded with verbal praise, and she accrued more to spend over time.

In my OYS's I've mentioned "I'm waiting for the other shoe to fall still" - because invariably, I didn't trust that we wouldn't hit this topic again. What's funny is, I was just getting to the point of thinking I might be wrong :-P

Anyway, she's had a friend in town and we went away for the weekend - including shopping. We had a conversation about spending earlier in the week. She vastly overspent.

I brought it up to her, it's all correctly accounted for. She's contrite, apologetic, doesn't feel good, already talked about "she owes back pay on spending money". We'll figure out the money part - it's not going to tank us, just an uncomfortable time with tax money going out.

My real issues are two things:

  1. What's an appropriate response at this point? I'm at a cross roads in emotion between the forgiveness of Christ and also reaping what one sows.

  1. She said to me that our relationship doesn't feel like husband/wife anymore but parent/child. This makes some sense as she's been telling me everything she's purchased for fun (I didn't ask her to, but appreciate it), and things I don't get info on I've asked about. But... that's obviously not a good situation to be in.

Any recommendations? I need to hold firm to the spending money boundary, and we need to have a discussion about trust and responsibility - but especially this parent/child thing I'm not really sure what to do with...
