I made a post on r/Christianmarriage to which I got advice on dating in college. link

Anyway, one specific piece of advice stuck out to me:

“It's very easy to get tunnel vision when you haven't dated much, and you begin to see this one average person as your chance to have a fulfilling marriage. And that's a pressure that they don't want and is pretty silly (because there are many different people who all have very positive things about them). So before you settle in on a crush who you pin all your hopes and dreams on (I did this for at least 2 women when I started dating), get a sense of what different women are like and learn to appreciate the differences. Trust me, there is an incredible beauty and joy in each person that you meet, and you'll miss out on 98% of those if you only interact with the people who are extroverted, or interested in your hobbies, or look the way you think is attractive right now, or laugh at your jokes, etc.”

What do you guys think about this? What’s your perspective on tunnel vision within the context of dating?