I speak from my heart, and not from ... from the kind of marshaled facts an academician would regard as bulletproof scholarship. There are conspiracy theories about the promotion of women because they are more pliable and spendthrift consumers, or that bringing women into the workforce essentially doubles a govt's tax revenue, that blue pilled males protect themselves by ridiculing the alpha, or that this subterfuge is a symptom of women's general duplicity. We must be cautious not to commit a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, however. Just because all of these theories have evidence, doesn't mean they are the primary causal agent of blue pill mentality. So, whereas I believe that blue pill mentality is far too widespread, pernicious, and protected not to be intentional; we may have to look deeper for original or causal intent.

Let me ask you this, and ask this on the boards for all to respond. What is the general effect shared by all men in a society in which we are raised on lies? What does the blue pill do everywhere, regardless of its accidents, its attributes, its particular circumstances to geography, gender, society, or political economy? It weakens. When you get a man to think masturbation is healthy, that women are the ultimate aim of his life and a worthy aim, and that sexual pleasure is worth transforming his personality or values for ... you weaken men. You enervate them. Yes, you may render him more consumptive, perhaps you have made him insane even. But to think that a clandestine cabal of economists are behind blue pill proliferation is fallacious reasoning.

What function does a blue pilled XY create when proliferated throughout a society, where you weaken what is supposed to be the strong? A wise man said, when you want to steal something from a house, do you not look for a way first to bind the strong man who guards it? BP proliferation is like a million termites eating at the foundation of a great house. This house cannot stand. When the men go, when society is raised to hate the masculine, it means that pest control is seen as the pest itself. The termites have eaten the brains of the residents, not just their abode. At this point, there is no analgesic, no cure, no fix. The house is ready for invasion, theft, etc. and the residents to be raped, held as hostages, murdered, or whatever other evil imaginations materialize.

This is something smacking of amateur geopolitics. The question motivating this post was 'cui bono?'. Who is going to do the invading? I don't see Russia or China with a land force or clear ambitions to take over and lead the world. In fact, their internal troubles would appear to be keeping them quite busy, and their geopolitical reach is considerably shorter than America's. If it were anything in flesh and blood terms who was invading, it would be a supranational force with a global agenda.

But knowing God through the Holy Spirit, I know that what is not seen rules the visible. This is where this response departs any attempt at conformity to something an academician might consider good reasoning, and becomes in a word, spooky. I think in general, this pattern - which is being repeated throughout the world (at least addiction to pornography among others) - is a globalized attempt to destroy for the sake of destruction. Like Tyler Durden said in Fight Club, "I just felt like destroying something beautiful."

We saw this diabolical betrayal destroy paradise in the Garden, where society unraveled when first the woman was corrupted. Then the man's inclination to pedestalize the woman led to an eclipse of His vision of God, of the priority of God in a man's heart before the woman ... And man, following woman who followed the devil, lost paradise. This is why TRP devoid of God first in our hearts still leads to destruction. We may still get laid, and I am a beta in this, but I know that I will have abandoned my joy and my confidence and my assertive independence if I lift weights, earn money, or whatever to get laid. TRP substitutes sexual pleasure for TBP's ultimate aim of pleasing women. Now we please ourselves. But don't you see that we are still pretending that banishment from Eden is preferable? Milton wrote Paradise Lost, but he also followed it with Paradise Regained.

The Christian vision offers exactly this, and it is why u/TheRedOne911 reminded us that Sts. Paul and Peter recommended as a basic moral rule that avoidance of sexual immorality. This destroys the soul. As a former porn addict, I promise you that. And it is not just me, but Ted Bundy (interview with Dobson), Gary Wilson's enormous volume of evidence, and others like them who know that it is through this sexual sin - the only type of sin against oneself - that rots a society from within. It ruins everything, the very soul.

So we see how the devil destroyed the greatest society on Earth is exactly how he is destroying the greatest society now. There are whispers of circumstantial 'evidence' behind this, from Alinsky's Luciferian epigraph to Communist infiltrations in the Catholic Church and its internal moral erosion, but I am now rambling and would wish to leave the rest to speculative exploration, where someone else may know more than I and offer a more informed completion to this explanation.