Recently i moved to a new town, it's not a big one, around 90k people living in it. I decided to visit as many churches as i could, since i've only been to baptists churches for the most of my life. After visiting around 15 churches, i was impressed by the absurd number of female pastors we've got around here, probably around 10 out of the 15 churches are led by women, independently or in cooperation with men.

I never thought the number was so big, considering i've only been to traditional churches, so i took some time to think about the current state of female leadership on the church.

First thing i could perceive is that some female pastors were just your tradition preacher's wife that somehow got promoted to a new status, probably to raise the household income in a greedly manner, to say the least, since they didn't do much for the church.

Secondly, what atrociously bad sermons i've heard from female pastors, not a single good one. Now, it could just be bad luck, but it's evident that they appeal to a more emotional take on their sermons, which is an intellignet manouver to impress the masses, but somehow empty if you are just looking for your weekly teaching of the Word.

Somehow the modern church decided to stomp over a bunch of verses that simply say that women can't be pastors, which just another sign that the modern church doesn't even care about the Bible at all.

Just a few texts to get the idea why women can't hold the positions of pastors:

“But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence” (1 Timothy 2:12)

“Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak" (1 Corinthians 14:34)

And the most obvious one, the prerequisities to be an elder/ pastor: "An elder must be blameless, faithful to his wife, a man whose children believe" (Titus 1.6)

It seems the churches can't digest the obvious teachings and must first pass the bible through a feminist filter before things are accepted.

I'd like to read your impression on the subject.