I'm going to see a film tonight that seems like an amazing Red Pill example.

Here is the trailer below:

Free Solo - Trailer | National Geographic


I admit, I took the red pill recently and got very depressed but I realize I was putting too much hope in women and family etc. I went from making that a god to realizing women are ancillary or a mildly interesting addition to life, rather than a central purpose giving element. But I'm super glad to have realized this now rather than multiple years into a bad marriage!

Anyway, this guy in the movie seems to be doing it right:

Grand exciting purpose, pursues that, it's exciting / dangerous / ambitious, enjoys his life, then if woman wants to join him on his journey great, if not, great. I think it was the book of pook that said men are islands and women are like seaguls, they come and check out the island, they may or may not stay around but they are in essence visitors. I think that's a good perspective.

I think this also explains why men withdraw from society with video games. The games present an exciting dangerous adventure where you can be a hero and they typically do have a side story with a woman that is clearly just a side story. If a man is a low wage earner and bottom 50% smv why wouldn't he do that? He can't beat Hypergamy.

Hope everyone sees the movie, seems great! Possible best documentary of the year. I will edit this with a mini reivew.

EDIT:. Best documentary I have ever seen. Definitely a top 5 all time movie for me also. As for Red Pill, I honestly think this guy is the epitome of red pill. Why? Not because he knew game or tried to get status (he basically was low status that became super high status in his small group of climbers and then became famous), he is red pill because he had a warrior like spirit with 100% focus on his purpose. At one point they ask him how it's affecting his dating life and he says, I will always chose climbing over a woman. Red Pill AF. Anyway, he does have a lady in this movie so there is that but he clearly chooses his path first.

Amazing film also. He is adventurous and a risk taker. Great discipline and ambition. Very cool. Highly recommended and I think the best red pill movie I've seen.