I know I say this every post, but I just want to provide context. I got out of a 10 year sexless relationship (go read my whining over at dead bedrooms to get the idea).

I've been following some of TRP for about a month now. The advice here for men is just in-fucking-valuable! I'm amazed it's free. I had a semi indirect confirmation that what I'm doing is good yesterday. Twice in fact.

In the last 2-3 weeks, I've altered my workout from straight cardio and rather aimless weight machines (was never sure what they worked, I just did them) to include a proper lifting regime and I'm already feeling ten times better. No supplements or any of that crap - though someone convinced me a whey protein shake was good after lifts. I've started on those, but don't feel much different. This is my current regime:


I was given this by a TRP member. I doubt he even realized he went to the trouble of pasting a link. But I'm, glad he did. Apart from having to deal with the chodes who oil themselves up before workouts (I mean really, WHY do they do that? They only seem to admire either themselves in the mirror or the other dudes... for real!)

But, I'm having way more fun working out and I am noticing results. My coworker mentioned it to me yesterday. He said that I was really kicking some weight off and looking far more toned (I wear t-shirts to work). I spent lunchtime giving him (probably the worst ever) diet and workout advice. But it's nice to know that someone noticed enough to actually want my advice and even go to the trouble of double checking some stuff.

Second confirmation. I went speed dating Saturday. Long story short, met a girl there, but she stood me up on a date Wednesday, so I intend to just plate game her. And I'm slightly happy that I don't give a shit whether or not it works! In a way it was a good thing as it reinforced that the last thing I need after such a shit long term relationship is yet another shit long term relationship! Doing my thing and random girls is just the ticket I think!

But, last night I was at a concert. I decided on the way there that I needed to put more TRP theory into practice. One thing I had heard is "make at least one approach every day". Combined with "never fear rejection, there are worse things", I reminded myself of an incident as a teenager. I got mugged, was stabbed by the mugger, spent 16 weeks in hospital and almost hemorrhaged to death. That I feel is my little reminder, extreme though it is, that there are worse things than getting rejected by some girl!

So I'm chilling and watching the opening bands. Now, apart from the speed dating girl which in my mind doesn't count as a cold approach, I've not cold approached a girl in 10 maybe 11 years! Even then, I don't think I did much of it. But nothing like starting at the beginning!

This took a little more bottle than I gave it credit for, but I did it anyway. After one of the support bands finished, I saw a girl chilling out. I realized after a bit that she was there on her own. This I immediately thought is my chance to practice my approach. OK, not ideal as there were no friends to cockblock, but I just thought really, what's the worst? She'll tell me to piss off and I'll go watch from somewhere else. No big deal.

Things went off better than expected. We talked, though there were some slightly awkward silent moments but largely excused by someone testing a mic. But, we were both there alone and enjoyed each others company.

I initiated body contact too. We had a little groove together and after I led her out with arm contact. OK, I didn't feel entirely natural doing it but she didn't draw away and I put it down to my total lack of experience touching another human (I told you my LTR was dead bedroom, right?). But practice is practice.

She wanted to go for a quick drink after. I went to pay but she insisted on giving me some cash. To put into context, she was a student, knew the pub was expensive so by giving me cash, she either recognized that it was pricey, or she was making clear that this was a friends thing. Like I say, I was more after the practice and felt a little bad about taking her money but she really insisted. She had to leave for her bus after that. I made sure to re initiate contact by leading her out and she didn't pull away. I need more practice with establishing kino, I know. But before her bus arrived, she brought out her phone and gave me her number. I didn't even ask!

So all great. I'm 90% sure that this one won't go anywhere, but this morning, I feel great having actually made an approach and it going that well. OK, maybe as she was on her own means it was approach on easy mode. But I was very much in the mindset that if she told me to sod off, I wouldn't have cared. It's practicing the approach that's important. Plus, even if it does turn out as a mates thing, she's actually pretty cool that I don't mind that either. I have no friends now, so I'll take whatever male or female!

Small point number 3. I've also been observing the no fap idea. I don't know if it's the working out, or the better diet, or generally things being so much better after that horrid fucking ltr, but I sure feel different. It's sort of like realizing contact with another human body is just so much better than sitting in front of your PC with your nob in your hands. I think it certainly helps focus the mind a little more when talking to women and, if I can say, can sometimes make it easier to drop innuendo into the flow of a conversation. Make a girl giggle, that sort of thing.

More notably, I was really worried after my dead bedroom ltr that it had seriously damaged my ability to perform sexually. I felt zero desire at that point and even found that fapping had become difficult to actually get into. Some videos that were my long time favorites were just not getting me going anymore. That pretty much stung my confidence bigtime.

Well, whatever changed that, it's changed. Maybe the fapping ban did it, maybe the fact that I'm slowly realizing that I'm not some unfuckable luddite who will get rejected by every single girl in the world has helped, maybe it's the fact that I'm actively doing something about my life, I've no idea.

The fact is, a month after, I'm hornier than a bull with another bull's horns stapled to his existing horns, ready to give that asshole matador what-for next time he's in that pen with him! That's... pretty horny!

So I'm really glad I found the red pill - or more accurately someone handed it to me on a plate via one of my DB posts. It's a primer for boosting your confidence, recovering your mindset and re-establishing yourself to yourself and re-affirming your masculinity. All I can say is read everything, read it with an open mind, take yourself back and be you. I know that sounds like a shitty employment-enforced mind training seminar, but TRP... saved my ass for sure!

What was it I said? At least one cold approach a day? A challenge awaits: I need to go grocery shopping today!