The new subreddit chat feature is still in beta mode, but I have opted in for this sub. So, feel free to join the room and engage in whatever mayhem and discussion you feel appropriate. In order to get in, I do think that you have to switch to the new reddit redesign, but after that you can revert back (which is what I did). Once you're in the chat room, you don't need to keep going to the reddit redesign version to access the chat - that's only necessary for initial joining.

But do note two things:

- All of the rules will be enforced in the chatroom, except Rules 2 and 4. You do not need to share stats up-front; if people want them, it can be asked as part of the ongoing conversation. Also, feel free to engage in off-topic conversation that otherwise wouldn't have been suitable for posting.

- Be warned that this is an open forum. The moderators may not read everything that gets said on RPC Chat. There is also no filter for people to be endorsed contributors. So, don't assume that everything you read is the official position of RPC or is a good suggestion. Test everything against Scripture and if it's an important enough issue, make a post about it on the main sub.

On a separate note, I also updated Rule 2 to account for the fact that stats only need to be provided on threads asking for "relationship" help - not just any help. I think this was in my original post about the rules, but I wanted to make it clearer for anyone new here, who otherwise may have missed that post when it was stickied.