Here's the link.

This is a very long post. It's also worth the read. For all you noobs out there, read carefully. This is some pretty legit stuff about the importance of staying fit, developing a style, getting a decent hair-cut, and generally being top-tier. It is worth the read for that alone.

But the most significant part is the end. I've seen it written on TRP countless times. The end of the road for the secular method is ultimately hopeless despair. It's a flatness that prevents you from enjoying what you once poured your entire life into accomplishing.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 says that God has placed "eternity in the hearts of man." That means that nothing on this earth can satisfy us (I know - everyone knows a good CS Lewis quote about that).

This is also why I harp on the importance of having a mission that transcends you or whatever family you're hoping to build. You won't be satisfied if that mission doesn't incorporate what God designed you to do: make disciples. Enjoy the read, but take it with a filter.