As the title says, I’ve owned up to the heart wrenching mistakes I’ve made in the past. I still feel really sad as to what could have been but I’m still young and will surely find someone just as good in the future.

Now first off I did not fully admit to trp itself, but I did admit I wasn’t who I portayed to be. I wasn’t this big emotionless, selfish douche who just wants to fuck. I apologized for everything I did and said how I have lots of faults and that I’m sorry I was oblivious to how you feel. At the end of the day I think trp tactics are an escape to deep lying insecurities. I admitted to not fully being myself, and wearing a mask to hide myself. I said how it actually hurts me for how things went and I actually liked you but couldn’t show it.

And guess what? After saying all this I felt better and closer to her than I ever had in the 7-8 months I was with her. I felt a wave of peace and seen the genuine side of women when she was a bit mad, but could understand. I felt the first connection I’ve ever felt with her. It kinda made me teary as I left thinking “she was nice and look what I was like”. But it ended with two people being real with each other and no manipulation to get something from the other.

All this beats emotionless sex 10 times over. Trust me.

I am now happy that this messy situation is over and feel like I can finally move on from that inhumane trp society. I’m actually very sad right now as I feel like all the emotions a normal person would feel during a relationship are now flooding on to me right now as I was stoic throughout the time.

But this choice of leaving trp has given me so much peace and a feeling of connection and love to others I haven’t felt in over a year.

If you can guys, apologize the best way you can to women you may have fucked up with in the past if you still feel guilt. Be vulnerable and show your humane side again. It will leave your mind at ease, or in a better way than before.

Everything just feels right at this moment for me and I’m starting to get back to feeling like a good person again