I had sex with this girl 2 times and both were in my car at night. For the first 2 encounters all communication was covert and no sexual communication, just logistics. The first date when we fucked at park, she initiated it with " wanna go on a car ride to a park or something?" And I agreed and escalated to park/ car sex for 1st date. The 2nd encounter with her was 1 week later where I initiated to "chill on a car ride again" in which she agreed and we had sex again. After that 2nd encounter, it's been 3 weeks so I initiated and said " Hey," she responds with " Hi". I then say " wassup, wanna fuck 😈?". She then replies with " lol no". I then end it with " ok". And that's the end of it and was about 1 hour ago. Is it safe to say this is over? We are both 22 and live with parents so we can only fuck in my car. I matched with her on dating app about 1 month ago and went raw in her both times.