Ok ok ok. Hold your fire. I am NOT saying NAWALT. I believe that every woman has the capacity to be just like the rest. It's in their programming.

But what are we to make of women who, like those who were freed in the Matrix, choose to go against the programming? They're not a large portion of women, but I've come across them regularly enough to know they exist.

One example is an aunt of mine. Even into her 60's, stereotypical alphas boldly come at her and she's not having it. Very attractive woman who has aged well. She's committed to my uncle, a man who's been crippled by a stroke for more then 25 years. She supports him and takes care of him.

I know plenty of men who are downright losers from the neighborhood I was raised in. Big guts, no jobs, issues with the law. And a good number of them got hot chicks who stand by them even after they cheat and lie and all that shit. I see these girls get hollered at by better specimens and no dice.

I know a lot of reasonably attractive women who stand by dudes who have a much lower smv.

I know 10 times as many women who fit AWALT to a T, and that's why I swallowed the pill.

But what do I make of these women? Let's assume that some of them are doing their men dirty on the sly. That still leaves some who aren't.

If any of you can fuck me up with some truth, I'd be so happy.

EDIT: Thanks to all of you who came through and dropped some knowledge. Especially everyone who threw in analogies.