
Age 26

Personal trainer

Earning $5K+ per month

5'10 built like a pro bodybuilder

Always had girls from young age (putting that down to looks initially)

Started practising PUA stuff about 3 years ago - got really good - found a GF who I really connected with and slowly upgraded from plate after her chasing commitment

LTR of 1 year - loyal, 8, submissive, worships the ground I walk on, many fun adventures and good sex etc etc

LTR gets pregnant - says she wants to keep it - I freak the fuck out but eventually come to entertain the idea of passing on my genetic legacy while never marrying and co-parenting if our relationship goes down the tube

LTR has miscarriage

LTR now saying she wants marriage and kids with me in the future


My situation now:

I keep having this gut feeling to drop everything ...

My career (PT clients), my LTR and my social circle in my current city ...

To travel the world, work on my blog (focused on topics of building muscle and women advice) and spin plates.

I'd head to Brazil, check out the latina ass, spin lates, practise BJJ in it's homeland and work on my blog.

Then head over to Vegas for early summer.


On paper as most my friends would say I have the picture perfect life ...

A gorgeous LTR who worships me, a career earning me good money, my own business doing something I'm passionate about (fitness/bodybuilding).

So am I stupid as fuck to drop all of this ...

Is my idea of travelling the world, spinning plates and writing my blog in just a big disney fantasy (and the fantasy will become boring after a few months) ...

Or am I following that gut feeling inside of me which will lead to even greater happiness/fulfillment.

I have no clue.

My gut tells me to go do it, go travel, go spin more plates, have experiences, follow my passions of writing about building muscle/redpill teachings.

And my head tells me I'm stupid to drop my PT client base I've spent years building up, that I may not find a girl as loyal/submissive as this one who believes in building a nuclear family unit (unlikely but possible). And that when I come back career wise I'll be starting again from (nearly) scratch in building up my client base.


When LTR became pregnant, this fantasy of pursuing my passion while travelling the world was all I thought about.

It killed me inside that all that would not be possible for a very long time if ever now.

And when she had miscarriage - as much I did feel some emotional pain - I also felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders and I felt free again.


I've asked my close friends and Dad for advice on this. Seems about a 50/50 split on people telling me don't do it and people telling me to do it.


Financial wise I'm absolutely fine and can afford no income stream for a solid 1 year+ if need be, but will also have income stream from some online clients and (who knows) maybe one day my blog/online platform could produce me a revenue stream.


What do you redpill brothers think?

Thanks in advance.

TLDR: Got good career, loyal/submissive gorgeous LTR. Thinking about dropping it all to go travelling, spin plates and work on online blog site writing about my passions on building muscle and redpill teachings.