I am a new father, 43, who has expatriated to Latin America. I cannot say enough about my wife: traditional, respectful and beautiful. At this point, I could not be any happier.

Recently, I had a daughter (late to the game, compared to my friends). I have so many friends in the US give me advice here and there, regarding what to expect. But for me, one month in, the following has become clear:

Do not father a child in the USA!

I know there are some exceptions to that statements, but I believe it to be true for 80-90% of you out there.

Babies require a lot from the mother: feeding, changing diapers, quieting them back to sleep, burping them, cleaning them. The mother will get very little sleep in the process. My wife has taken care of all of this like a champ. She takes the baby out of the room when it cries at night, so that I will not be woken up (think about what I just said a few times, and ask yourself if that would EVER happen in the states).

I quickly realized how resentful the modern American woman would be of the same situation. She would resent that nature has called upon her to do more. She would resent that she has the milk in her tits, not you. She would resent that you are not as good at changing diapers as she is. She would resent that she could not pursue her degree in Bullshit Studies, in order to tend to the child. And on and on. Subsequently, your life will become a living hell, listening to her bitch about the biological requirements of her sex. If she is a stay at home mother, her constant emotional abuse will effect your ability to bring in money for the family. In short, her allegance to modern sensibilities will weaken your intimacy with her; subsequently, your relationship will suffer and could fall apart quite easily.

Our modern society, with its pervasive feminism, teaches women traits that run counter to effective child rearing. These modern womyn are ill equipped to deal with the requirements that come with tending to a baby, given the years they have spent cultivating their self-centered personas. I cannot fathom how many shitty mothers there must be right now in the Western world. The media will tell us that there are only "dead beat dads," but I wager that the amount of shitty mothers has them beat, no contest.

So that's my rant - unless you are going to marry a traditional-minded woman, do not have kids. Expatriate from the US, or meet a woman who works on a Mennomite farm in Wisonsin.