Sitting in bed, either before or after a fuck and I was having an argument about just where the line should be, is where this epiphany starts.   Monster, asshole, jerk, abuser, cheater, piece of shit and a list of insults that I can’t even remember.  The problem with this, is not that I didn’t care about her, it was a realization that I wasn’t really part of the church anymore. I didn't care about that.

That I was sitting in the wake of The Death of God and that I, a sinner, was being berated by my own former and personal Jesus Christ.  A woman who I had held into a female image of Christ himself.  But I wasn’t scared of hell, or being excommunicated from the church.  Wasn’t worried that I’d be pilloried in the town square for my sins.  It was the realization that I was being accused of blasphemy, when I was an atheist.  Imagining what it'd be like if the whole church sat me down and told me I was going to hell, that I'd "die alone" as Rollo put it.

And what a laugh, really.  Because in my liberal days, there was no greater badge to pretend not to be proud of wearing, than atheist.  As you get older, this is just a fact, a reality, if you don’t believe.  It’s not really something to be proud of, simply put, it’s just a way to categorize your own personal belief system.  Your view of the world.  Liberals are very concerned about making sure that people share their “orthodox” view of the world. Self identity is more important, than the pragmatic elements.

A wider realization was birthed from this.

For men, we start off confusing sex with love.  And at the highest state of being, we understand that love as we knew it, was an illusion.  And so if we were to scour the source code of the illusion we participate in, and isolate all of the code that we thought was love, we’d realize that it was just an image of a person that didn’t really exist.

What happens if we remove it? What if we were to remove the code, that made us fear... god? "Love?" In all most of us.

All of this shouting across the internet, they’re just clergy members doing what they do, because they believe.  The code that regulates this behavior, still there. And it isn’t your job or concern to try and convert them.  It isn’t your place to state you’re not a believer.  You don't believe in god, but most of them do. As you get wiser, you get quieter.

If what you seek is a religious experience, then you must be part of the religion.  You must sacrifice your blood, sweat and tears for this.  And for this sacrifice, you "get to" believe.  You get to believe she is special. That she doesn't have evolutionary hardware that regulates her behavior. You get to believe that you are, smarter than nature. How very clever you are.

Of course, this religious experience will last only so long as the facade survives. 

When she shows you who she really is, your only real choices are disappointment and or insanity as you find more and more elaborate ways to deceive yourself until invariably you're shocked into it through cPTSD.   I am a firm believer that TRP is a place for men suffering from cPTSD from this shock to find peace. It is where we instruct men how to protect themselves into the future, to "solve" this problem. cPTSD is the bodies way of saying "you've made a huge mistake, I'm not sure what that is, but figure it out... solve this problem." This is why men quickly race to conclusions like "she was crazy" or "I just need to work harder." They are incomplete solutions to return back to a resting mental state.

Nietzsche speaks of “The Death of God.”  How we all lie in the wake of the realization that the world is something we have a bit of control over.  We all remain skeptical of the likelihood that such a higher being exists, and this of course manifests itself into behavior.  Our entire culture is radically changed by this subconscious realization and philosophical truth. Regardless of any interpretation of Nietzsche or this issue. I am speaking about this issue directly and relating it to red pill truths.

The idea that any large portion of the young population is modeling their behavior after the bible these days is of course ludicrous. But when he made this observation, it was radical.  But this observation is about the church and its followers.

What is around the corner, my belief that is, is a spreading of the same epiphany had while being shouted down by my Jesus Christ.   That as the knowledge becomes more and more available, as men talk to each other more about these issues, as men experience these issues, we are maybe 5-10 years away from another “Death of God.” This is already happening at a formative level in discussions about dating amongst youths.

A widespread cultural zeitgeist where the truth can no longer be denied.  Where men understand and accept the reality of sexual dynamics manifested by women, reject the idealized image of women and realize that their own personal Jesus Christ was just a girl, just like the Jesus Christ before her and before her.  The lucky ones, in High School, the unlucky by their 1st maybe 2nd divorce.   But soon enough, these experiences won’t be individual.  They’ll be collective.

And that moment, where enough people have that realization, where the undercurrent of reality boils to the surface, will be the last moment where we as a culture seek to serve women.  From that moment on, men will mostly serve themselves.  No amount of accusations of sin, threats of hell or excommunication can or will work after this.  This idea, will be held with the same level of intellectual seriousness as Greek Mythology. Where the idea of being a male romantic seems, laughable. Where the man or woman scolding you, telling you it's time to "man up" occupies the spot of pyramid scheme salesperson.

"Unlimited income potential?" "I'm never going find my soulmate?" Laughs in red pill

And so we must look to the shepherds who have fought this war before us.  Whose voices echo in my head…  

“Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks Lick on these nuts and suck the dick"