Stats: body fat ~20%. Height 5'9''. Weight 187lbs. My 1RM lifts are Squat 305 lbs. Deadlift 350 lbs. Bench 220 lbs. Overhead press 125 lbs.

I read NMMNG, WISNIFG, Way of superior man. I have read other Red Pill books such MMSLP and many articles on the side bar.

Finances are not good. I am a full time medical student. Living on loans. My wife works.

Spiritually, I am still growing spiritually. Pray almost every night. Listen to christian music as I commute or at the gym. Struggle with having a church community as I moved to a new city. I accepted christ 4 years ago so I am still growing in this aspect. I am currently reading the bible but it's slow as school gets too busy sometimes.

My biggest issue in my marriage is that my wife does not trust my leadership. She grew up in a household where one of her parents was absent and an alcoholic. She had to take over and manage her family home and take care of her siblings. Now, in our marriage, she wants to take over the simplest things. If things I am doing well, she is waiting for me to slip up and decide it's time for her to do it. She is very critical of the things that I do, even if I do them them well. I feel constantly she is fighting to gain power over me rather than being on my team. I have worked hard to be where I am at now. In my career, I feel God has blessed me with academic intelligence that I managed to do well and on my way to become a doctor. My finances, even though I am living on loans, I am very frugal. I will pay it in no time once I graduate.

Now, I want to own something. I take full ownership that I have always struggled with being a leader. I have been putting a lot of work into this. I go on runs now almost daily listening to "Extreme Ownership" to learn more. I apply what I learn almost daily at my school. I have taken responsibilities during my medical school degree that I have to manage other people and work with others. I have been a lot more consistent with my gym and faith now more than before. So it is improving. Even with my wife, I feel it's improving. But there is always this power struggle. She wants to hold the whole power in the marriage. Before red pill, I would yield sometimes to prevent divorce or things reaching to that point. Now, I am okay with divorce. I clearly told her if she wants it, "I will sign the papers even if that's not what I want."

My question is, what do you do with a woman who would rather destroy the marriage than to start accepting my decisions (considering that my decisions are better for the marriage)? Like right now, my wife has not spoken to me for 4-5 days because I made a decision that I know is best for us in the long run. To be honest, before Red Pill, I would be anxious and worried rn. But after a year of constantly reading/gymming/reflecting, I am more comfortable with the fact that I do not want to beg for her to start talking to me. I just see how it's damaging for our marriage and I am starting to wonder if I want to continue with a woman who cares too much about power than the marriage itself.

Thank you for reading/commenting! I appreciate your time.