I stumbled across TRP around May and since then I have done nothing but lurk and digest the knowledge and experience that is The Red Pill.

There was no denial phase of anger phase only sudden and rapid enlightenment. A little about my progession:

I went through a brief monk phase and mgtow until I decided that that wasn't for me. I realized what roles I was fitting in my life and others and I used my monk mode for this. I was beta as fuck. Every girl I was orbiting I cut from my life with extreme prejudice This is two fold in that fresh from realizing I was a weak beta, I wanted to avoid the weakness I may have in recontacting and second I didn't want them to ever intrude on my life again.

One of the biggest lessons I struggled to learn was the "I don't give a fuck" and I really understood only after I achieved that. Girl I was talking to but not orbiting went radio silent for a few days and after day 1 I deleted her number and just went on with improving my life. She contacted me after a while and apologized for treating me badly blah blah and I told her I could care less. She got all hurt and i told her tough shit. I don't have time for games like that and thanks to TRP I could then understand what was happening. It was awesome. It was one of a few times I've stood up for myself from a girl. I blocked her shortly after and continued with improving my health and my enjoyment of my own life. Yes I started lifting more and I highly recommend it even if it does sound like bs. I'm already muscular but idc, I can always improve.

Met another girl and I immediately approached her differently. I judged her with my brain and not my dick and was always vigilant for red flags. A few things I did differently were I embraced my sexuality and drive as a man, I made it clear I wouldn't take any shit from her (bitchy complaints will not be tolerated), and I did what I wanted when I wanted and if she wanted to join along she could, if I wanted.

I am in the first healthy relationship of my life thanks to the captain and first mate rule. I'm the captain of the relationship and she is aware of her place as my first mate. There was a thread about red flags and green flags on TRP I read and I immediately internalized them and almost scientifically studied her. Watch her actions and don't listen to her words. Low partner count (1 before me and it was a serious relationship), did not join a sorority in college nor ride the cock carousel, does not go out and party and get hammered, parents are still together and have a healthy relationship, not alpha widowed, low social media usage, does not stuff her face in her phone, has a personality, is comfortable with me concealed carrying while on dates, my best friend approves (he's natural red pill in my opinion) and he's given me good advice on nexting girls in the past, can cook, and is supportive of me, my passions and my career (navy). Any others I should keep in mind please let me know.

Red Pill rules I still am aware of while in a relationship with her: the hamster; oneitis, she is not the end all be all of my life nor a unicorn but I am exclusive with her while maintaining my independence; alpha widow, still making sure she was in fact not alpha widowed; shit tests, it took me a long time to realize what these are and now I just blow them away and the easiest way I realized how to pass them was the use of sarcasm; comfort tests, still getting used to these so I've slipped a few times but I'm more aware now and pass them; I never try to show her TRP or explain my knowledge of it; never show my hand so to speak, 48 laws of power, multiple laws; and making sure I am in fact her 2nd partner and she didn't lowball me on her number.

Bonus points: I've met her parents and her dad respects me as a man; her mom shit tests me in front of her and I pass the living shit out of those in front of her.

This is just a simple thanks to TRP but I am a lifelong learner and if there is anything else I should keep in mind that can be immediately recommended I will be grateful.