I respect my jiu jitsu professor. I respect how he has the ability to coach me toward greatness if he chooses to do so. I have no respect for my drinking water, and yet without it I could not become great, without water I would surely die and yet I have no real appreciation or respect for water, I just expect it. I am entitled to it and have never felt threatened in losing it. Water has no will of its own, its easy to control. We construct dams and water towers, there is little threat to my water security. Similar to water, many women do not respect their BB provider, and yet without his paycheck their lifestyle would not be sustainable. Without his resources she might become homeless. (I know she can divorce rape him and get half, making sure she will never be destitute, but humor my analogy for a minute.) Why doesn’t she respect him? Because like water she has never feared she would lose control of him as a resource. Even when she tested him. Even when she bitched at him incessantly, or withheld sex or belittled him. He never showed her he would walk away, if she didnt start acting how he wanted. And why didn't the man choose to enforce his own desires you ask? No Agency. Say it with me:


This guy has lived his entire life being a good little boy, following all of mommy’s rules. Paying good attention to the important teachers! Going to church every sunday, being a good little servant of the powerful and scary man in the sky. Because when the little boy follows all the rules, then mommy and daddy reward him. They take him out for ice cream! They buy him a new bike!! They hug him and tell him how proud they are!!! Finally the little boy gets what he wanted! (Or at least what he thinks he wants…) These hoops aren't so bad! I can jump through them! I can be a good boy!! Yay!

That little boy grows up into a big boy and goes to college, and follows all the polite people rules. He makes sure he doesn't make strong eye contact with any of the girls or express his unfulfilled sexual desire, or impose his will on others, because that might make the other people feel bad! The big boy has learned and agreed that in order to be considered a “Good Man” (Get the gold star, receive love and validation in your character, get the reward ie: sex) he has to jump through the very important hoops! The hoops that are meant to help him! He learns to love the hoops. So when a girl in his class says “I only date guys above 6’ “ he exclaims “Oh but I am!!! I’m 6’.05”, do I get the gold star now? Are you closer to loving me? Do you respect me now? How many more hoops til the prize?” To which the girl may choose to use him for his resources of attention, validation, attractive boyfriend to show off to friends, his money or tell him to take a hike…. but that woman will never EVER respect that fucking poor man-child. That sorry failure of a male character. That male body still stuck in the prison of a childs mind. Why not? Because he has NO AGENCY

I am finishing up my Economics degree this semester and taking a class called Public Choice Economics which has given me some analysis tools to bring my world view into a much sharper focus. Public Choice Econ is the study of how to best use Government to serve the people. There are two main views of government “Mechanical” and “Organic”. In the Mechanical form of government, government is used merely as a tool, a BB if you will, whose sole purpose is to appease the desires of the masses. The Organic view is that Government should act as a separate agent with its own desires or goals that it dictates to the masses. An AF if you will.

In Public Choice Economics there is a very important concept called a captured agency. A captured agency is when an interest group, or other non governmental group, has lobbied the government successfully and gotten self-serving legislation through to the point where the interest group can now manipulate the government agency. An example would be Monsanto lobbying the FDA to allow potentially dangerous chemicals in food because its cheaper to produce that way. Basically, when a company or group has control over a government agency.

The key difference between a captured agency and a free agency is in how they make choices. A free agency will maximize its own utility, a captured agency will maximize someone elses utility. For the dummies out there; a free agency does what's best for itself (organic) or the masses (mechanical), a captured agency does what's best for the group that captured them.

If you want to know once and for all how to finish digesting The Red Pill, if you want to know exactly how to be an alpha then just take the above economic concept and apply it to your own mind.

The government is your conscience, your goals, your ethos. The interest groups vying for control are every person, group or ideology on earth. The legislation are values that have been force fed to you. So if you are a member of a religious group based on faith in some higher guidance, superior to your own rational decision making, guess what? You’re a captured agent. If you think selflessness and caring are more important than getting what you want because thats what they taught you in kindergarten, guess what? You’re a beta. If you in any way suppress your desires because you’ve been told they’re “Bad”, you are a fucking beta. If you in any way put others goals or desires above your own you are a beta.

To be an alpha you must be a free agent of a certain degree. Consider it like degrees on your black belt.

  1. The most basic degree of Alpha is not putting other males desires and goals above your own. Lead the Men and the Women will follow
  2. The next higher degree is not putting women’s desires above your own. Take her off the Pedestal
  3. The third degree is not putting ideological values you’ve learned above your own self generated values. Leave the Matrix
  4. The fourth degree is not allowing your own emotions and lower impulses to cloud your decision making. Be Stoic, Be in Control
  5. The fifth, highest and perhaps most controversial degree of Alpha masculinity is not allowing anything to impede your self generated mission. Be on your Purpose

These are not in a strict order so to speak but having achieved the previous degree directly helps the next degree of Alpha.

Honestly this concept could and probably should be expanded into an entire book. A how-to on following the Red Pill rabbit hole deeper and deeper, becoming alpha on an increasingly deeper level. This concept has a ton debate around it and some grey areas, like if you have a mission and live to fulfill that then are you a slave to your mission? I believe that your mission is the physical expression of your true self so it is impossible to be a slave to your truest desires, that is the definition of freedom. All this and a lot more could fill a philosophical book on “The Tao of Alpha”, an intellectual RPer’s wet dream but if you follow the concept of being a Free Agent, the concept of unplugging on all levels, then this post is all you need.

You now have the road map. You now know what you must become. Go forth and metamorphose.


TL;DR: Unplug from societal conditioning, expectations, and fairy tales. Put no ones agenda above your own. Discover the truth of reality, who you are as a man, and what you value. Discover your mission and single-mindedly pursue it. Be an Agent, not a resource.