My notes on the subject... (some rehashing involved).

Women have learned to use "being offended" as a righteous weapon to shame or attack a man. Feminist arguments have equipped the average woman with the social weapons capable of instantly cowing the average man into submission.

Mobile technology and social media have opened a Pandora's Box of opportunities for unchecked female indulgences... One being the tendency to bandwagon on moral causes.

Women gain attention, social validation and moral superiority through online demonstrations of "empathy" and support for a worthy cause.

Their display of empathy for victims is a thinly-disguised attempt position themselves as morally superior. And of course, it's always men who are expected to do the actual work of fixing such problems.

Red Pill viewpoint: "Western left-leaning Liberals are out to prove how "good" that they are. As Robert Bartley put it, "They think of themselves as the best people: the most intelligent and informed, the most public spirited, the most morally pure."

"They'll find the biggest losers (preferably black or brown) to be rescued through government intervention then bathe themselves in moral vanity."

There's been a growing number of Social Justice Warriors - activists who use internet outrage and social aggression to push their idealistic moral agenda based on a hierarchy of oppression-based status. Their approach isn't to help the weak or disadvantaged, it's to attack the strong. And they've become increasingly emboldened and militant.

Red Pill viewpoint: "SJWs are moral busy-bodies... They squawk about others being offensive, but solve nothing.

"They are incapable of "live and let live", they always seek to control other people's behavior and views to make themselves feel important and righteous... The scary thing is that this gives them motivation and feeds their fanaticism.

"If you're a normal guy/girl, you have priorities in life - job, friends, fun etc. you don't have TIME to petition the government all the time or enact bans and boycotts or slut marches every day...the SJWs care for nothing else in their life and have all the time in the world to make your life fit their agenda."

The widespread feminist influence on society has been coined "gynofascism" and SJW's are the soldiers marching in formation. Their primary target: wealthy white males. Their scheme: hijack the agenda and form social lynch mobs against "privileged" men.

Red Pill viewpoint: "Social justice (and by extension, Feminism) are tools for power, nothing more.

"Women effect change through words and manipulation, not action the way men do. Men are primed to listen to women and care for them due to a biologically ingrained protector instinct. The result is that women know that playing the victim and shaping the conversation in their favour can be used to derive real power.

"Feminism has advanced feminine mating strategy more than any other ideology. Look at how money is funnelled to further women's causes, yet it would be considered politically non-viable to do the same for men, even where they are disadvantaged.

"And they didn't have to swing a single fist or fire a single weapon.

"Manipulation is a game. People who take up the mantle of "social justice" are either playing the game to their advantage, or merely a pawn in someone else's."

Red Pill viewpoint: "Feminism and all leftist institutions are about tearing down people who are better off in life than them.

"Notice that the major rape cases were at Duke and UVA, prestigious universities. They don't care if a girl is raped at a regular state university. The enemy are rich, handsome men that they wish they could have.

"Social justice contradicts itself on so many levels. They want to make all poor people victims, even when they are committing violent crimes. All rich men are evil thieves, even if they work their asses off to get where they are in life."

Entrenched in the grievance industry, the feminist "gotcha" agenda focuses on shit-storming a wrongdoer who has "offended" someone of higher victim status and doesn't bend to their warped sense of equality and white shame.

On the radical left, they don't solve; they complain. Who needs real solutions when you can garner more power through trumped up outrage?

SJW outrage is the Drama Triangle on a grand scale. And sadly, this trend will not go away.

It's the "free ticket to be toxic" response of a perpetual victim, multiplied exponentially by a hive mind of radicalized, aggressive, self-righteous rescuers who sabotage all discussion and steamroll over voices calling for reason and moderation.

One writer/teacher explains, "What is the issue here are the tactics used by some from a purported place of moral high ground to immunize themselves from criticism while promoting a close-minded authoritarian vice-grip on society through chillingly sinister tactics."

It's the female tactics of complaining and social aggression towards targeted persecutors. Their religious-like zeal for their cause blinds them to the witch-hunting style of their hate and shaming tactics.

SJW Battle Cry: "I'm offended. Change everything about yourself to suit me!"

Leftwing politics leverage fake empathy to score/buy votes. They fuel victim mentality and dependency amongst their constituents.

Red Pill viewpoint: "The best way to win at Social Justice is to be the most oppressed, discriminated against person with the shittiest life in the world.

"Hilariously, the SJW's fail to realize that they have completely and totally missed the point of the very thing they claim to be fighting for. The pointed goal of 'social justice' is to create a 'world without labels', where everyone is equal and no single person is placed into an arbitrary category or caste by virtue of how or where they were born.

"Of course, rather than treat everyone the way they would like to be treated or even taking the fucking high road as was done in any actual successful victory for social justice, they choose instead to create entirely new labels, blame an entire race and/or gender for their problems, and casually use racial slurs themselves.

"If that sounds to you like a steaming pile of hypocritical, childish, petty dumbfuckery, you're right. Of course, they'll try to rationalize it as claiming "ONLY WHITE PEOPLE CAN BE RACIST" or "ONLY MEN CAN BE SEXIST". This goes above and beyond simply claiming their own shit doesn't stink.

"They think that because they aren't 'in power' (whatever the fuck that means), they get to unilaterally respond to oppressors with the very shit they claim they want to stop."

Some women now wear their bitch label with pride. They'll act out publicly with minimal repercussions from men. They revel in the drama and attention of these public outbursts, and inevitable profit by them.

It's only the reactions of other women that can keep female behavior in check. Men have lost their collective voice and influence.

5 Reasons Women Love Drama:

1. Venting. She wants to feel better about something (as opposed to solving it). A woman can get away with playing the whiny victim, and plenty of men and other women LOVE playing the Rescuer role. But whenever a man whines like this, he loses all respect.

2. Diversion/Dodging. She wants to avoid responsibility or an uncomfortable truth. When cornered, drama becomes a defensive smokescreen to wiggle out of a situation.

3. Damseling. She just loves the attention, validation and benefits she gets from playing the victim role. Many guys can't resist the White Knight urge to rescue a female acting the victim.

4. Power. She bullies others by hijacking the agenda to assume power and take control. Others become submissive, walking on eggshells to avoid agitating the drama queen.

"Calming the waters" is the natural response for most people. Unfortunately, that becomes an endless task once the instigator realizes she can gain more power, attention and perks with her drama.

5. Revenge. With weaponized emotions (outrage, tears, and such), she lashes out with righteous indignation. Her intention here is to punish the Persecutor using lies, embellishments and social aggression (shunning shaming and reputation sabotaging).

We learn from an early age that everyone runs to the defense of a damsel in distress, but no one gives a shit about a weaker man. He's loathed and rendered invisible.

An outraged woman can often win an argument by either inducing appeasement or inducing anger. Either way, she breaks down her opponent's frame and her needs become paramount.

Female hyper-sensitivity and manipulations are so ubiquitous, many men simply avoid conversations with a "sassy" woman. Any man who takes the bait and sinks to her level in an argument has already lost both his frame and her respect.

Counter outrage with humor, especially when others are watching. She isn't living in the context of funny and won't be amused at your antics, but others will get it.