This 50-year-old homeless grandfather lives on the cold streets of Paris with his dog - and if you know Paris, you'll know that the streets have more dog shit than anywhere else on earth.

Not only does he workout, eat his creatine, and get ripped, but he also competes as a bodybuilder:

Here's a video of him doing bodyweight and band exercises on the street:

This guy has much less than most of us. He in his sixth decade of life, has no job and no home, and yet he finds a way to eat enough, take his supplements, and he probably even injects PEDs.

If an older homeless guy can achieve a body like this, imagine what you can do with the resources that you have.

Note: here's the previous gym motivation submission: double amputee gets ripped, what's your excuse?

Edit: For the folks saying that this guy has all the spare time in the world to work out...fair point. However, building an excellent physique is more than just having time to work out. Quality food, good training, good gym/equipment, tracking tools, comfortable rest, supplements, and yes, even PEDs - these are all important inputs. This guy probably has very few of these resources.