Well it’s been a year and half since I had my heart broken by my ex girl. I didn’t even realize how much I’ve come along on my own until my brother told me my ex got engaged by the guy she monkey branched with. When he told me that, I just shrugged it off because I really don’t care about her anymore.

This did made me reflect on myself though. The daily content I got from this subreddit and red pill adivice I received elsewhere, really has improved me as a man. Since then, I’ve also hung out with a few women and it has made realize that I’m understanding the true nature of a women and how they can be such liars and so manipulative. All of the ones I’ve hung out with, end up being both liars and manuipulative im some way or form. I’ve quickly learned to cut them off and move on.

I’ve also realized how much I love being alone and hanging out with my brothers on my free time. Being 23, I’m grateful to have graduated debt free. Grateful to have my dream job. I’m currently working my ass off to become a successful engineer. I’m grateful to own my dream car. I’m saving and investing MY hard earned money. I travel ALONE. I do whatever the hell I WANT alone.

It feels good.

Thank you MGTOW brothers.