Something has been severely bothering me lately. I might sound crazy but I have to get this off my chest: God is the biggest machiavellian ruthless dictator in all of human history.

Before I rant, I want to make it clear that I'm not talking strictly about catholic god. I mean god as a concept, whoever created this universe. Or even if you believe in evolution. The problem is the same regardless of your religion. My reasoning for this isn't tied to the bible or any religious book, it's solely my own observations about this universe. Let's begin.

Look at the world around you.

Isn't something wrong here? Where's the class and morale? Why do crazy people get all the money, status and child slaves they can possibly want? Why can't you find a loyal boyfriend/girlfriend? Why do most people seem to like you because of superficial material reasons? Why did your family completely fall apart? Why are you so depressed, miserable and empty inside? Why are you taking prescription drugs because you were fucked over by genetic incurable disorders? Why are you so fat and unhealthy? Why are you unable to cut out your bad habits?

Because god fucked you over.

It's no wonder why you're fat. God gave you a low calorie amount and natural food that tastes like shit (thus you get overweight).

He cursed you with genetic disorders that hold you back and make you miserable.

He created a family unit that can so easily fall apart and is under the whims of whether your parents want to fuck you over or not. Got a cruel father who hates you? Tough shit.

He created a dominance/submission system that's hilariously broken and only rewards efficiency rather than morals.

He created a world with no meaning, purpose or entertainment and will be destroyed once the sun explodes.

And to some people, god just fucked them from birth with genetic disorders and cancer.

And at any time, it can be taken all away. You can walk outside and be shot, ran over or killed. See, god treats this sick world as a privilege for you to live in.

This madman has had BILLIONS of years to get it right. You are a conscious human being who can feel joy and despair and you deserve better to be used as a whipping dog to your natural slave masters. We are all just creators who want freedom, to feel important and have a social circle that cares about us. Basic reasonable shit, yet NONE of those needs are being met, and I'm sick and fucking tired of it.

So what's the solution?

Well chances are, we're not gonna break the 4th wall of this universe and stick it to god himself, if there even is a 4th wall. I do think there's a more practical solution though: Genetic engineering.

See, a lot of these problems are rooted in your genetics. The junk food has nothing wrong with it, it's your body that can't process it. It's your genetics that get these disorders/cancer, etc. It's your natural character traits that fuels this hierarchy system as well as your ego and greed. If we were able to reverse engineer ourselves, we could overcome almost all of these problems.

Imagine coding in a new dopamine system that isn't atrociously exploitable, or coding out viruses, diseases and disorders. That's the best solution I've found so far. I dunno, I feel like a lot of our suffering could be prevented if we reverse engineered ourselves rather than making smartphones and video games to distract ourselves from this morbid world.

Anyway, tell me what you think about all this. I'd like to hear any counterarguments too.