Daniel Amneus - The Garbage Generation (PDF)

I just fell over this book while doing some research for my first blogpost. Although I do not despise the MRM, since their goals are just and it's only their way which is flawed, I am also not a follower of it, so the author's name and his book were new to me. The fact that I am not a US-citizen furtherly contributed to my ignorance.

In short Amneus lays out why for a civilization to function healthily and to be able to produce wealth, said civilization in general and female sexuality in particular must inevitably be controlled by the patriarch, a sexual double-standard inevitably has to be created and that matriarchial empowerment just results in female promiscuity and male irresponibility.

It was refreshing to read something from somebody who relates to the MRM (or better: related - he died in 2003), which isn't watered down in the fear of confirming the common accusations against the manosphere as being misogynistic.

The view he propagates in The Garbage Generation can be easily branded to just be misogynistic, but his sober and focused reasoning and the overwhelming facts presented by him prove him right and comfirm many RP-truths. En passant Amneus also refutes many blue pill and feminists point of views.

The annex on its own makes for one third of the book and would justify the read alone. It's a surprise bag full of quotes and references which prove many RP-principles to be true and a motivation for further research.

Recommended read.


From a repection I just came by from http://no-maam.blogspot.de/2006/12/garbage-generation.html:

This book explains everything about the concepts of matriarchal destruction of civilization in a very detailed, intelligent and well documented manner. It details how patriarchy took humankind from matriarchal savagery to patriarchal civilization by "putting sex to work," as in, man's motivation to build society is the ensurance of his bond to his family and this is what motivated society out of the caves and into advancement.

With the advent of feminism, male paternity is not assured, nor is his involvement with his children guaranteed, which takes away his only motivation to succeed and makes him "short-term" in his outlook on life, much like women tend to be - and therefore he has no motivation to continue to succeed & plan (or even really work) - as is evident of men in the matriarchally ruled ghettos.