The Red Pill is based on the notion that men can improve themselves through things like the gym, building a good career and learning game in order to become more attractive to women. You see it mentioned in the dating subreddits too. Not getting a date? You have to undergo "self-improvement" and must "work on yourself" before you're eligible for the opposite sex to show attraction towards you.

How far would you say self improvement actually helps men? I've seen three schools of thought here:

  1. That it does make a noticeable difference to a man's attractiveness with women, regardless of who he is or how bad his genetics are
  2. Self improvement only works if you start at a very low point to begin with eg. if you're massively overweight
  3. That self improvement is basically a myth. It's designed to keep unattractive men in their place and maintain them as "wage slaves" who don't cause problems for women and society as a whole, with the illusion that if they keep on improving themselves, they'll eventually become attractive to women (which ultimately never happens).

What do you reckon?