What makes a person strong according to Patriarchal society:

Men- Being an alpha. Dominant. Tolerating no disrespect. Getting other people in line when disrespected.

Women- Expected to prove strength through suffering. How much they disrespect they can stand

A man who takes a cheater back is considered a fool. Yet I see instagram post tributes to ride or die women praising them for their “strength” in staying with a man through poverty, cheating, jail, break babies. Meanwhile A man who does that is a simp.

What makes a woman “strong” is what makes a man a “fool” in society.

Don’t buy the lie the patriarchy tries to propagate that proving yourself strong as a woman means showing how much disrespect and foolishness you can take.

It’s to serve men. They push it on us because it allows them to get away with more than they should and keep us in positions serving them, even when those positions are uncomfortable for us. Don’t allow them to placate you with praise on your strength if you’re being disrespected.

the irony is, they put that standard for women but 100% do not respect any woman who follows it because they know they never would themselves.

I’ve seen it in relationships, friendships, business- disrespect that men would feel obligated to correct on sight they imagine isn’t that serious when directed at a woman. They’ll tell her she’s overreacting and needs to let it go, being crazy, anything. But faced with it themselves would feel entitled even obligated to raise heaven and hell to correct it and preserve their manly image.

Set your own standard on what you will and won’t tolerate respect wise because the patriarchy, out of its own interests, will always suggest it’s ok even optimal for women to let disrespect slide. Other women who are unable to see and looking for company living life as doormats will also try to pressure you into it. Don’t let it happen

I’ve had situations that men would be angry as hell with because it makes them look like a fool but when it comes to me in the same situation or one far worse, far more disrespectful, they want to say- it’s ok. it’s ok. you don’t need to worry about that. why would you worry about that??

A woman must have no ego or personal standard when it comes to addressing disrespect, she should just smile through any and everything because ego and a right to respect is solely the province of men and whom they see fit to give it to, or so they think.

As a woman I’ve had men try hard to manipulate me into accepting things they knew full well were unacceptable/ deeply disrespectful, below anyone’s basic decency. It’s like a game that’s run, oh you don’t need to worry about that, while exchanging glances over your head. They know it’s disrespectful as fuck all and that they’d be flipping tables but think they can minimize it and re-write the narrative to make sure you accept it and keep serving them through it. They think they can tell you how to view it.

But if you allow them to set the standard of what you allow in your life it will always be what’s convenient for them and allows them to abuse you/ take advantage of you

Male boundaries on disrespect men think are non-negotiable. Female boundaries on it they think can be negotiated, manipulated, cajoled.

Has anyone else experienced this. Whenever I call out disrespect it’s shamed as me being OTT or having too much ego by men who would flip a table over far less.