I think a big reason that young women are willing to have casual sex and hookup with a lot of guys in college isn’t strictly because of female nature and a desire to have fun before settling down. For a lot of women, it’s simply a product of most girls not getting much attention from (attractive) guys in highschool, so when they go off to college and guys start wanting to sleep with them, they think that makes them special even though many of those guys want to sleep with any moderately attractive girl.

In highschool, a lot of guys are shy and only the most confident/attractive of the bunch actively pursue girls, and the girls they do pursue are usually the most high value select few. This warps female perception of the sexual marketplace, placing an artifically high value on male attention/validation.

I know lots of my female friends were surprised by how many guys want to sleep with them/talk to them/date them on dating apps or in their college dating circles. And the ones who didn’t get any attention at all feel like they aren’t attractive even though in the real would they would be able to snag a good looking, sucessful dude (not chad, but someone in the top 20%). They will stress over whether or not some average dude would find them attractive enough to sleep with them, when the answer is obviously yes, mostly because college-age guys are horny as hell.

So when these opportunities come up they are willing to sleep with guys who are confident enough to approach them and make them feel sexy and desirable. They probably could make these guys wait for commitment, but they don’t know that they have that power.

Once they exit college and enter the real world, they understand their smv is way higher than the random guys that approch them, so they know they can make guys work harder to sleep with them. Girls don’t think of it as “oh I’m going to be a slut in college and sleep with a bunch of guys, then make them wait once I’m ready to settle down.” They just gain the confidence in their own attractiveness to actually set standards for the men they see and ask for what they want.

Edit: I’m aware of the typo. I can’t spell to save my life.