Summary: OP on r/ tinder has been on 35 Tinder dates so far, banged a lot of them too. His time among the tinderellas has given him insight into how these girls effortlessly manipulate betas while submitting to alphas.

Here is the link. As the summary stated, dude has been scoring like crazy on Tinder the past few months, and today he decided to share a bit about what he learned regarding the true nature of women. Instead of rambling on about it, I'll just deconstruct his discoveries line by line, and together we'll appreciate the pure RedPill truth of it all:

if she has no photos showing her complete body, she is fat. if you are not sure if she is fat or not, she is fat.

Despite years of feminist tantrums and whining, men are (and never will be) attracted to unhealthy, fat women. Subconsciously understanding this harsh truth, some overweight girls turn to deception in order to get close to an alpha. They take close-ups of just their face. They take convenient "myspace angle" photos to hide the tummy and double chin. Proof that human nature is human nature. No amount of pro-fat indoctrination is going to change what men are attracted to. And these girls, sadly, understand that.

some girls go to two dates in the same day or night, when she feels like first guy is not what she is looking for, she just jump into bed with the second guy, dont be the first guy. I have had couple of girls admitting they were on the date before they are meeting up with me, the first guy buys drinks and dinner and warmed her up and I get the reward.

I'll take "branch-swinging" for $500, Alex. This is well-documented behavior straight up from the TRP sidebar. Spread some honey and get a beta to come close to you, take his money and dinner and drinks... then happily run off into the muscular arms of Brad, who invites you over to his frat where he can bang you all night. If you buy a girl dinner, you are taking the risk that she sees you as a beta meal ticket.

I usually set my dates in week days to keep weekends to myself some girls will say they need to wake up early in the morning so they cant stay long, almost all the girls say that, just ignore it or say that you also wake up early for work, it is just a standard defense mechanism, if they really like you they will make the sacrifice off sleeping little bit less just for one day.

Shit tests, anti-slut defense, call it whatever... basically, girls don't know what the fuck they want. "But, but, but I have to be back by early morning. We are definitely not having sex tonight!" she'll say proddingly while snuggling close to you at the bar after a few drinks. She just wants to know that you'll hold frame and not bend to her bullshit. Just smile, make up some witty one liner and take her home anyway. For the right guy, she'll be more than happy to wake up a little earlier next morning to get to the office.

There was a girl who was engaged, and she told me that after we slept, I felt sorry for the guy.

And of course, while you're doing all that I described above, Chuckles the Beta is sighing and staring at his watch while doodling around on Netflix. Wondering what's taking his fiancee so long. Didn't she say she was just going out to have a little fun with "her girlfraaans", and that she'd be back by 11?

TL;DR: Tinder is a raw landscape of SMV and RedPill truths. If you ever doubt what we have to say on this subreddit, go make an account and see for yourself how girls deploy hypergamy, branch-swinging, alphafuxbetabux, etc in full force.