So I think it's an indisputable fact that females are doing better than males in Western schools and there are more women than men in universities. But what causes this? Redpillers believe without a doubt that it's due to most teachers being female and treating boys as 'defective girls'.

Even if this was the case, redpillers offer literally no solutions. Sure a few of them say there should be more men in academia, but the rest of course don't want men to go into a female-dominated job. And the only proof they have of female teachers treating boys as 'defective girls' is that they give worse behavioural reports to boys for being more disruptive.

Regardless if that's 'treating boys as defective girls', that's just being in line with modern expectations. Everyone is expected to be civil and non-disruptive. Whether you're a guy or girl, if you're gonna be picking fights and taking it easy in the office, you're gonna get fired. And for decades, schools have gone against children's instincts to be hyperactive anyway by making them sit still for hours.

I believe that the reason boys are doing worse than girls is due to a lot of factors. More boys than girls are born with developmental disabilities. More boys get into serious fights and are expelled. More boys than girls drop out of school. Adolescent boys may be more likely to have alcohol and drug problems which causes them to drop out. Men are more hesitant to admit they need help or ask for it.