It is Domestic Violence Awareness Month...Another reason why the good men have left the dating/marriage marketplace.

140 points35 commentssubmitted by goodmansaysfuckyouMod to r/WhereAllTheGoodMenAre


October is domestic violence awareness month and I thought that it only fitting to remind everyone, regardless of the stereotypes, the ‘man up’ bullshit, the asinine ‘real men’ comments, and the toxic masculinity commercials that we are hammered with on a near constant basis, that women are not the only people that are victims of domestic violence. The thought that men can and are victims of domestic violence and abuse is not a convenient narrative for both the male ego and the feminist agenda. There is an entire segment of the population that is abused on a regular basis and not only is very little is being done to stop it; it is actually considered acceptable.


The Strong Independent Wahmyns and the Feminazi crowd doesn’t want anyone to realize that they are not the only ones that could be victims of domestic violence and abuse. They want the world to see them as the poor little damsels in distress that need more and more services and programs from the State to effect “equality’ between the genders. If the light of day is ever shone upon the truth, that between 40 and 50% of men have been, are currently, or will be the victims of domestic abuse AND women are the aggressors; then their narrative would fall apart.


No person deserves to be stuck in a relationship where they are battered, abused, and tormented. I don’t think that there are many people out there that would argue that concept. However, I would be wrong. Men that are the victims of domestic abuse are regularly ignored or worse prosecuted as the perpetrators of abuse and domestic violence. This is due to the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) that provided guidelines and directives to local jurisdictions. In exchange for compliance and adoption of The Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (aka The Duluth Model) these jurisdictions received and continue to receive funding from the Federal government. Local and state level law enforcement and court systems are now bound to VAWA and The Duluth Model. Assuming that the local jurisdictions actually wanted to use common sense, they cannot. Not only do they turn a blind eye to actual abuse of men at the hands of women, they can and will actually arrest and prosecute the male victim of abuse.


The Duluth model curriculum was funded by Ellen Pence (a feminist activist) and developed by a group of activists in the “battered women’s movement", a feminist organization that was newly emerging at the time of its creation in the early 1980's. The program believes (and teaches) that women and children are vulnerable to violence because of their unequal social, economic, and political status in society and that men use violence within relationships to exercise power and control. The treatment for men deemed 'abusive' (a subjective term) is focused on re-education or more accurately behavioral conditioning, operant conditioning, or brainwashing. They justified the shaming, incarceration, and emasculation of men because they believe that men’s violence against women is due to a socially reinforced sense of entitlement. The short version being—men are abusive because Patriarchy allows them to be; re-educate them to be more feminine and they won’t be abusive.


The main problem with The Duluth model and VAWA is its assumption that men are the only ones capable of being aggressive, violent, abusive, controlling, and manipulative. Moreover, it allows and encourages persecution of men that are not abusive, while validating women's claims of abuse that is non-existent. The resulting mindset of 30+ years of programming has led us to the current day issue of women accusing men of multiple forms of harassment, abuse, violence, menacing, rape, and assault; and the system will believe it and act accordingly. Many jurisdictions have adopted the "Must Arrest Mandate". Meaning that if there is a call received for domestic violence, then the police must arrest someone. Considering the training under VAWA and TDM, the person being arrested is most often the man. Even if he has been beaten and bloodied by his spouse, whom has no injuries, he will still be arrested and entered into the meat grinder of the family courts and batterer’s intervention programs. He is guilty and has little hope to prove his innocence. Under the current justice system, men have no hope of escaping any such accusations unscathed.


u/bluepillprofessor made a comment on post the other day that highlights this exact problem:

I have many so called domestic violence stories but I just kind of let the memories come back spontaneously. Sometimes I still get triggered.

Like the intoxicated woman who stabbed her husband with a broken beer bottle, who had defensive wounds all over his arms AND who had more than 25 witnesses who saw her come running out of the kitchen with a broken beer bottle and attack him. He had left a small bruise on her arm blocking one of the attacks.

They were putting the cuffs on the man when his brave wife came running out of the kitchen with another beer bottle (though at least this one wasn't broken) and she proceeded to attack the cops. They left a MUCH larger bruise on her arm in taking her to the ground and handcuffing her.

The trigger is that the police were STILL going to arrest my client with the defensive wounds even after interviewing the people at the party and putting in the police report that everybody said she attacked him with a weapon!


The VAWA Act combined with The Duluth Model completely alienated a whole group of people…Men. Not only did it fail to consider that men were also victims of violence and abuse and could need help, it purposely identified men as the only people that could be the aggressor. Effectively saying to men that are being abused, “You aren’t worthy of any help. The abuse that you are receiving is justified and it is your fault, because you are male.”

This is actually by design. As Dalrock puts it in his post All Roads Lead to Duluth.

Under the Duluth model, the idea of headship is not only abuse itself (male privilege), it is the very root of all domestic violence. The focus of the program is to change men’s sexist beliefs.

This is critical to understand because when they talk about violence, they really mean power and control, and specifically they are concerned about men having power and control over women. This isn’t really about abuse or violence at all, it is about radical feminism. This is why under the Duluth model domestic violence by women is seen as wholly different than violence by men. Violence by men is a tool of the patriarchy, while violence by women is a tool to fight against the patriarchy.

The objective was not to prevent men from beating their spouses or otherwise mistreating them. The objective was to destroy the nuclear family, destroy mans control over his own destiny, and destroy the concept of men leading...anything. Feminism was just a stepping stone to implement Socialism by transferring power to them and using the state as both the carrot and the stick to that end.


An abusive female partner may hit, kick, bite, punch, spit, throw things, or destroy your possessions. To make up for any difference in strength, they may attack you while you’re asleep or otherwise catch you by surprise. They may also use a weapon, such as a gun or knife, or strike you with an object, abuse or threaten your children, or harm your pets. Domestic abuse is not limited to violence. Emotional and verbal abuse can be just as damaging. This type of behavior by a woman was considered justified because, as a man you are bigger, she needs to level the playing field to make herself feel safe and empowered. As a result of this abomination to the rights of men, if you are the male victim of abuse then you are more likely to be further victimized by the system. There are thousands of stories (if not hundreds of thousands) about how women routinely use the police and court system to gain power and control of men and their money through false accusations.

  1. Women routinely file false rape allegations for myriad reasons, but ultimately because they were angry about something.
  2. Women routinely file false abuse and domestic violence charges against men in their life because they were angry about something.
  3. Women routinely make false abuse claims to gain preferable settlement in divorce or custody battles.
  4. Women routinely file false sexual harassment claims at work in order to gain power and eliminate work related competition.

There is apparently no limit to the depths of falsities that women will create in order to garner power in any given situation. Luckily, thanks in no small part to the Manosphere, things are slowly changing and people are realizing that women are just as capable (if not more capable and likely) to commit domestic violence and abuse.



When I started my journey into the abyss that is the domestic violence machine in 2010 there were precious few outlets to garner information. Conversely, if, today, you type “domestic violence against men” into just about any search engine you will find about a million hits. Granted most of these will still try to perpetuate the concept that men are the only abusive people in relationships; but the fact that there are more and more articles showing that women are actually the aggressive, abusive, and violent parties in intimate relationships is a hopeful sign.

More recent and less biased studies have found that women are often the primary aggressors in domestic violence situations, but they are also the ones most likely to have injuries since (surprise surprise) men are typically larger and stronger. There are abusive and violent men in the world that randomly beat their significant others, but often it is found that the man is simply defending himself from an attack. However, this information usually falls upon deaf ears. The family courts are run by feminist indoctrinated women, are funded by VAWA and various other programs, and are patently misandryst in nature.


Many of us that contribute on WAATGM have been the victims of abuse at the hands of the women that we chose. Some of us were in toxic relationships. Some of us were in emotionally abusive relationships, some of us were in physically abusive relationships, and some of us were in relationships that had all forms of abuse and torment. Regardless of your current situation, your confidence, your intelligence, or your physical size; do not be mistaken that your significant other cannot or will not turn on you.


I am not a small or weak man either mentally or physically. I know that I may not be the smartest in the world, but I don't lack for common sense and intelligence on a basic level. I was (in my younger days) an all conference middle linebacker and a state ranked wrestler. In my mid 40's I am still 6'/205 with less than 20% body fat. All of that was and is absolutely meaningless because I was abused physically and emotionally for years by the woman that I chose to allow into my life. There are other posts on WATGMA that confirm that I was not alone in my torment. Just a few weeks ago u/aldabruzzo posted his story, which is similar to my own in the abusive nature of his chosen woman. The shame that has kept women’s abuse of men secret for so long has begun to disappear. Each day that passes, a new story emerges that proves that women are just as (if not more) aggressive, abusive, and violent than their male counterparts. The main difference is that most men were required to learn self-control. The same requirement has not been made of women for any circumstance. This is one of the main reasons why we highlight the dating profiles of women on WAATGM. Life experience allows us to see things through a different filter. I can't speak for all, but one of my purposes for being her is to help those that don't have the benefit (or scars) of life experience. To point out crazy when I see it so others may learn from my mistakes without having to suffer through the hell, pain, and anguish of their own.




There are a multitude of reasons that men have opted to avoid the marriage marketplace and turn a cold shoulder to women. These reasons can be found in many posts on WAATGM on any given day. All these reasons are, in my opinion, perfectly valid and justified. The sadistic nature of women makes any relationship with one precarious at best. The fact that a woman can freely abuse and assault a man in her life with the complete consent of the government that his taxes fund, makes a relationship with a woman a masochistic endeavor. Moreover, that a woman can falsely claim the abusive roles reversed and the State will side with her and imprison the man, among other punishments makes a relationship with a woman virtually suicidal. All abusive and violent behaviors escalate. The current climate is one that does not favor a man in any fashion. As a man you are left with only a few options:

  1. Live with and accept the abuse, while hoping that she doesn’t escalate to the point of murdering you in ‘self-defense’ while you sleep.
  2. Leave the relationship to protect yourself. Often leaving the children to be abused by the same woman you fled and loosing most of your assets and money in the divorce.
  3. Defend yourself and find yourself incarcerated.

None of these options are reasonable, just, or fair; but they are the reality of a man’s life. It is best to avoid women all together than it is to tempt fate with one of these outcomes. So when women ask "Where are all the good men," we can honestly say that they are all around you. We are avoiding any contact with you because our livelihood, and our very lives, are put in peril with each interaction with a woman. The risks greatly outweigh the unlikely benefits.