TL;DR: American women's skewed views on femininity and sexuality are creating a social disattachment for American men.

Thanks to my years of doing vip/nightclub/concert security, I have amassed a vast arsenal of bullshit and small talk in a variety of languages--- in other words: I can speak really fucking shitty in a lot of shitty ways.

One of the women I'm seeing now is Russian and it's my first one. She's helping me learn a few basic phrases and words in Russian and last night I thought I would test it out. One of the bands I was working with had a Russian lead singer and when I said hello to him in his native language he gave me that look all foreigners give me, the one that says, "I'm impressed an American black man cares to learn proper English, let alone another language", it's a mix of shock, amusement, and utter joy.

(Not to go off on a tangent but I make it my goal to try and bridge the gap between Black men and the world. I feel most of the disdain felt for us comes from the world's inability to relate to us. Our natural masculine features and behaviors mix with that and create a combination of fear and misunderstanding which often becomes hatred.)

Anywho, we begin talking about my Russian girlfriend and the romanticism Western men have for them. That we believe they're all slender blonde models. I tell him what makes Russian women sexy is that they're feminine. They require effort to win over but once you've proven your masculinity they will do ANYTHING to keep you. He gives me the "Russian girls will do anything sexual for their man" look and we both laugh. Then he drops this piece of wisdom on me:

"American women to fuck. They suck dick, and lick asshole, and get real drunk and fuck any man that's cute. No work involved, just be funny and hot. Russian women do same but only with man who's earned it, man they trust and respect. Russian women learn to be sexual because they learn what men like."

And it fucking hit me. American women EXPLORE their sexuality. It's a journey of personal, self involved discovery. When the American woman is fucking you, you're not a part of it. You're there but your satisfaction and enjoyment mean nothing to her. She's hear to find out what SHE likes, not how you satisfy her.

Russian women, and several foreign cultures, go on sexual journeys. Journeys require partners. Journeys are things done together. This isn't to say other cultures don't have sluts, what it means is the women of these cultures view sex in a different light. The average American girl was raised to be a slut. The damage is there since they were girls. The daddy issues are built in.

I think this is why I've had several arguments with Red Pillers lately and felt so disconnected from you. Over the past 2-3 years I've mainly been with Brazilian, Puerto Rican, Russian, Asian, South American women. The white women I fuck with are usually Midwestern. I realized I've surrounded myself with actual WOMEN. I've learned to love and truly care for them. The idea of marriage and kids doesn't seem so horrible anymore because I'm actually enjoying their company. I actually feel a connection to them and want to build something with them.

This has helped me understand the sheer apathy and anger I've seen from the American Man lately. Of course you guys don't give a fuck about the society around you or its outcome, how could you? You've watched as decades of tradition and identity have been washed down the drain, been told it's wrong. You've watched as all your hard work and effort and skills that should earn you a loving, dedicated wife have only gotten you divorce raped, cheated on, and left masturbating in a sweaty bed of your own shame and disgust.

It all clicked for me. Black men have given up on our culture for the same exact reason. No idea if the kid is our own. No trust that our women won't leave or cheat on us at the drop of a hat. No reason to build or create, only selfishly take advantage of the fire of female hypergamy. Be the King of the Ashes mentality.

My advice: Try dating something other than American Women. I know we all can't travel and I know we can't all live in big, urban cities. But for those who can, go out and actively look for women from other countries. Test it out and just see how your masculinity is rewarded.