Let's start with virginity and youth. The purity is only a part of the issue. What men want is a woman who is willing to give him her all just as women demand the world from their suitors. Women want an alpha male who simps when she wants him to (risk his life to defend hers, etc.), just as much as women want brave men who will make the first move and be confident and funny and have zero insecurities, tolerates all women's faults, comforts women even when they're hating on men, and who can bear women's emotional baggage. Women use the friendzoned men in their lives as porters to carry their baggage and unload their anger about men on - then expect them to sympathize.

Well, men want a woman who is ride or die, loyal, empathetic and supportive, and not neurotic. A guy wants a woman who doesn't shit test him, doesn't hold him with fear and suspicion based on some previous Chad who did her wrong, doesn't make him run an obstacle course just to court her, and is certainly not like this woman. Men want a woman who gives him the best of her, just as women demand the best from men.

The reason men want young women is they want a woman who sees him as her first and most desirable option. That is not ever possible if he's dating her in her 30s: all women have already had what she desires by then and has been dumped or burned by said man. Every man alive who has ever dated a woman in her 30s is automatically her consolation prize, he is always her backup plan, he is always the man that she settled for after having had what she really wanted and lost it, or at best if she's a virgin at that time he is the man she settled for after being unable to attain the man she wants

full stop right there.

Time out. Pause. Consider.

Now onto the issues with relationships in general. No woman on PPD wants a man who is angry about women after having been shit on by 5 ex gfs, bitter about not previously getting laid, no woman wants a man who has emotional baggage to unload on her, no woman wants to be the woman who has to finish herself off after sex with a man who made previous women speak in tongues (using his tongue no less) during sex. No woman on PPD wants a man who expects her to dig him out of the rubble in an earthquake or stand in front of gunfire to save her. No woman on PPD wants a timid man who won't make the first move or give pathetic IoIs. No woman wants a weakling. Any one of these faults would make a man unworthy of being a mate for a woman.

Yet women expect men to be happy or even mauling each other (physically or emotionally) in a fight for the privilege of putting up with all of those faults or worse from women.

Full stop.

Disclaimer: I am speaking as a man who couldn't stand young women because I saw things largely in reverse: younger women are dumb as fuck just like the young men they look down on. Virgins just didn't have the porn star sex skills that I wanted (although anal is not my thing). It has always been a paradox for me to have to avoid the stupidity of youth (female youth since I'm heterosexual) while also dodging the baggage that comes with maturity. It was like hitting that exhaust port and it took me until my 30s to make that shot.

Edit: Automod plox