Hoping I made the right decision here. Have a first date scheduled with a man who I matched with on a dating app tonight (we’ve not met before). He offered to drive to my place and pick me up. I declined and said I’d get myself there, he reluctantly accepted. I just felt uneasy with this guy knowing where I live since I don’t know what he’s like. I feel like I need to protect myself in case he turns out to be strange or there are red flags - I would then hate that he knows where I live and could stalk me or something if I decided I didn’t want to see him again and he didn’t take it too well. Do you think I’m overreacting or being rude? I guess men don’t think about violence or safety like women have to so he might not have thought it could make me uncomfortable.

Edit: thanks for the advice everyone. I got myself there and home, although he was VERY pushy as far trying to escalated things sexually goes, which I think would’ve been far worse if I was depending on him driving me home. So glad I went my gut feeling! Stay safe out there ladies and always, always have an easy exit plan for when you’re meeting people from dating apps.