TL:DR - Calling your biggest compulsion of all a choice has to be the greatest irony in history. Taking credit for everything that's actually done by nature and calling it "choice" is dumb. "Love is a choice" is the mother of BP delusions.

Today a whatsapp group of which I am also a part of (part family, part friends) has a heated discussion over a celebrity figure talking about her friend cheating with another guy. Naturally they also come up with men who cheat and the discussion goes on as to what's acceptable in a relationship and what's not.

And you know the word comes up that feminists are so fond of using? Choice. The celebrity girl used the word and all others caught on to it. Apparently it was a moral choice. Apparently love is a <cough, cough> CHOICE! The rest is on the lines of "blah blah blah, choice. blah blah" - the usual rhetoric (women's dialogues seem so scripted with RP eyes that I swear they probably rehearse these lines in their circles). A woman should have the choice to be with who she wants...

The discussion went on aimlessly over a question of choices after that. The irony? We're talking about something where no only really chooses, only their bodies do.

Women's need to use the word "choice" is directly proportional to their internal feeling of being a victim (because only a starving man is obsessed with food). And honestly, it's utterly absurd that they describe their relationships as a "choice". Pragmatic yes, but far less of a choice than anyone wants to admit.

Relationships can't really work well only on conscious logic. If you think sexual instincts are Machiavelian, relationships that are entirely based on rational logic and pragmatism are much worse. They end up only considering the provider and become an emotionally soul-less, cold blooded business transaction. It's only a question of how soon the provider becomes a diving board for men that are actually attractive that one can fall in love with. The rational mind making entirely logical choices -- is only for the robots.

Let's go beyond logic and consider a much more powerful form of choice. What would happen if we had true choice over our bodies and emotions? Just think - what would it be if you could truly love and be happy at will? Ideally, you'd have complete control over your biochemistry and therefore you could fall in love with anyone, or even experience all those feelz even if no one was around. You could be blissed out and totally content. Ironically this could make you so self sufficient that the very need for relationships could go DOWN. A breakup would be nothing more than a bump on the road. If she was also that way and you both chose to be in a relationship, it would be pretty incredible and idyllic.

Also, if she could truly choose love, that beta husband might actually be loved and find great sex and respect for once (not that this is actually good for him to stay complacent and a fatass). If you could truly choose, you could also choose not to cheat and be no worse off for it.

If love was a choice, attraction and seduction would never be as important as they are. Temptation would lose its hold over you. Orbiters wouldn't have to exist. Love would become....easy.

If sex was a choice, there would be no dead bedrooms...

Love as a choice is the ultimate BP dream. If it were true, your blue pilled dreams would actually become true. Unconditional love would be a reality.

Does ANY of this ever happen? No.

In fact this is probably at the root of all BP delusions, that love as we see it is something that can happen at will. It is why people try so hard when they realize a relationship isn't working and end up doing exactly the wrong things.

The only choice literally lies in picking out one guy from a list of boys all ready to throw themselves at her boots. Even that isn't much of a rational conscious choice - it goes by feels. If it was choice, relationships could function by logic and principles. But they don't.

Sex is man's second biggest biological compulsion after the survival instinct, and today in prosperous times it is the biggest. Attraction is not really a choice. It happens to you. Being as attractive as possible can be a choice, but the whole process of attraction itself runs on instinct. Sex is such an enormous naturally created compulsion that you might find the biggest sex scandals emerging especially in places where people try very hard to pretend they're above it.

Think of just how hard it is to stop yourself from giving your dick (and women their clits or breasts) a free pass. If it just revs up the drive a bit, you just can't resist. Your sex instincts are kept in just enough control so that you can function normally at work, sometimes not even that much. You have a bit of control over some fine details on just how you wanna use your dick, but you have no control over the the sex instinct itself.

Are your thoughts under control? Nah, your brain churns out tens of thousands of them all the fucking time, maybe a dozen ideas of which are actually relevant and useful.

Your emotions? They're essentially reactions to whatever happens. They drive you into obsession and often you're powerless to resist. Name any emotion that came up at will at full power the moment you wished for it. Never. Emotions are reactions, not choices. At their proactive best they are a driving force of desire, but not really choice. Life would become too simple if you could just summon happiness, passion, drive and romance at will. Your sex drive comes easy, because first of all it's barely in control to begin with.

The need for relationships or emotional fulfillment aren't choices either. They're hardwired into biology. Speaking of biology, what about your body? You can only consciously control some of your muscles, some of the time. Otherwise you can't control a damn thing that happens in a single cell in your body. It's all nature doing everything for you. To rebuild your body, you slog at the iron temple for years, but the detailed repair work? Your body rebuilds itself, you just get to control your reps and diet. You can't fix a single cell in this body on your own.

Give yourself complete freedom for sometime, no rules, no discipline, no restraint. What happens? You self destruct in a mess of depression and addictions. Most of these celebrities are in fact walking train wrecks behind the scenes, they even make good publicity from their shit. But that's not what you wanted. You said you wanted to live by free choice. Why would you choose to make your life hell? Logically, you would choose to live wisely and blissfully right?

Look at what you did, not what you said. Because you are NOT free, your haven't made a choice at all. What you really did was to give all your compulsions a free pass, with no limiters and no discretion. You are a hypocrite for thinking you actually had as much control over your "choices" as you think. Some of the biggest wrecks in human history are people who believed they were truly free. The people who found freedom to shape their lives were in fact very disciplined and focused.

And you expect someone more emotionally sensitive than you to somehow make love and sex a choice? It's hilarious, this pretense that you have somehow mastered yourself.

This goes even further when they talk about other choices - it could be about anything. Look at every single one of them, and soon you'll see there's no choice in what is essentially compulsive hive mind behavior.

Women give themselves a lot of credit for creating new life via pregnancy, often acting like they're doing it. But what they're really doing is putting up with the pain and suffering and experience of a natural process. It is nature that builds every cell in your body. We just have a bit of control over diet, exercise, habits and medical help, but really, the body is just building itself. We take way too much credit for ourselves. All we can do is just make nature's work easier.

It even goes to the choice to abort. Well, the need to choose that only exists because before that, there was a moment where the sex instinct overrode all choice. Unfortunately pregnancy after sex isn't a choice either.

So when they come to you and say "A woman has a choice..." or that "They chose a relationship..." or when you hear some celebrity spout the choice nonsense, start laughing. Choice doesn't exist nearly anywhere on the scale we think it does. Not by orders of magnitude. When they say my choice, just replace it with "My compulsive instinct" and you will free yourself from all illusion.

The obsession with choice has come from a subconscious knowing that we're not really in control of all that much, and we're not willing to admit it as this will make us look like we're slaves to our bodies and minds, which we are. Accepting that keeps us humble and actually choose for once. But you know, to admit the truth to ourselves is too hard. By selling the narrative of choice, all we've ever done is to delude ourselves while our instincts run riot.

Love, attraction and sex are compulsions - love is the mother of all compulsions. The only thing you can do is to choose if you want attraction or revulsion. Choose the right one, or else invariably, inevitably, you will be forced to deal with the other.

So when people say "You can't force someone to love you", they're not really talking about absolute choice, even if that's what they believe. No one has such power over their minds and bodies or relationships - if someone really did, they'd bypass the entire circus it takes to find love. What they really mean is, "Love isn't possible without setting your compulsive biological instincts free".

To that I'll add "within healthy boundaries".

You can only work with the forces of nature and keep those compulsions in healthy boundaries - you have only that much choice. All you can do is help nature do its job more easily and not get in the way. Ensure you are sufficiently attractive and lay down the boundaries, for which you might have to undo a lifetime of bad habits.

Now breaking old habits definitely requires you to make a choice, for once. Your conscious mind has to override old dysfunctional pathways and rewire your brain in the process. That's literally the only place in life where you actually choose. And you still wouldn't have chosen had you not been hit by a painful bolt of red lightning.

PS : Your biggest biological compulsion is your need for air. By far. Thank god breathing happens automatically.