On May 7th, Luke Sandoe, family man and professional bodybuilder passed away by committing suicide at the young age of 30. Outwardly, he was said by his close friends and family to be a very fun and jovial person, who loved his kids, his pets and was on the cusp of making waves in professional bodybuilding as one of the top prospects. He was thought of as one of the last people you would imagine to commit suicide because outwardly he seemed like a normal, good guy and hardly ever showed any signs of his demons. And he is just one of many who have committed suicide and the same was said about them too. So condolences to his family and loved ones for such a tragic loss.

I want to talk more broadly about men in general and mental health. The suicide rates are much higher amongst men than women with some studies citing up to 3.5× more.

Why is that you may ask?

Feminism likes us to believe that the reason men don't speak up about their mental health issues is because of "toxic masculinity" and a desire that men have to be stoic and not talk about their problems. But this isn't the case. The reason why most men do not speak out about their mental health problems is because society doesn't care about men's issues. How many times have we seen men, like Robin Williams complain about how he lost most of his income and livelihood in the unfair divorce settlements he had to go through with his wife(ves) and no one ever thought to wonder, hold on. Perhaps the divorce laws is a problem that many men are facing and it is unfair and perhaps we need to talk about these divorce laws more and advocate for a reform.

No, rather when men speak up about these issues, they constantly mocked and ridiculed and are simply told to "man up" and stop blaming other people for your issues, yet feminism blames the patriarchy (under false pretences and straight up lies, not even real facts) all the time?

It is like whenever a man has a valid point about society and how they are being treated unfairly, no one tends to listen to their issues. They just call them names like incels, idiots, school shooters and so on. So many men say you know what? Screw it. I'm not going to talk about my issues at all. So they bottle it up inside until a point where they can no longer ignore it no more, and eventually some of them take their own lives.