Crosspost "There is a new group of Muslims called "Muslim Red Pill" or "Muslim Incels". Please be aware!" from /r/Muslim:

This group, unfortunately, is not just found on Reddit. They are being found all over social media. Basically, they are trolls and jerks who try to get under your skin, and they do it in the name of Islam. Their target is unfortunately our sisters.

When you see the vicious misogyny from these munafiqs, it it just sad why this fitnah group exists. They attack, insult, and harass our sisters in the name of Islam. They make fun of them in the name of Islam. They degrade them in the name of Islam. They take hadiths about women without it's context and throw it around as if they're playing a sick game.

I have had the serious displeasure coming across these sick folk. I can't understand the hate them have of women! When confronted, they start calling you "white knights", or "dayooth" (which by the way is a degrading slur thrown at Muslim men). If confronted even further, they'll say "oh oh we are only against feminist women". Well firstly this is a lie, because on their social media accounts and social media pages they are making fun of women in general (like intelligence, skills, and appearance). Secondly, to these red pill/incel/men's rights activist Muslim men, they determine someone to be a "feminist" if they aren't a burka covered housewife. If they are hijabless and work in professions, then they are labelled as "feminists" by these sick men.

If you want to be a jerk, fine go ahead. If you want to be a sexist, go ahead. Doing it in the name of Islam is where you become munafiqs.

Posted by MyMuslimThoughts | 12 May 2020 | Link