So recently I got into a relation with someone online (yeah I know online stupid blah blah), anyway I explained that I was going to do some game time and finish up on some work. She told me that she would be waiting for me until I got back to talk before bed. After letting her know that it would take around until two her time, the conversation went like this:

No worries, I have to work out with my bestie at 1am anyway

We haven't worked out in a few days because of the both of us lmao

Just know that I will miss you like crazzzzzy

"Okay silly."

Muah, my precious.

"I do have one question, though, who the hell works out at 1am with their friend lmao sounds like something I would do"

LOL. My best friend and I usually get into out calls late at night and we would stay late as fuck, it's has been a tradition of ours since '17. We used to watch movies on Rabbit at 1am till whoever passes out [blah blah blah historical info]. We're craaazzzzzyy like that. If he was in my city, you bet our asses we would be at the gym working out instead LOL

"Not gonna lie, the working out at 1am thing in 1 in the morning kinda made me go hmm, but I'm not gonna worry about it."

Huh, oh lmao I'd work out with you at 1am too it ya wanna but I'm gonna rain check on in on that with him too pretty depressed. I rather wait till I fall asleep with you tbh. We just get on call and yell at each other to keep going LOL


Well then *crying emoji*

Something about this makes me uncomfortable. It doesn't seem normal to me that this wasn't really mentioned and even then why say it like "oh yeah I just do this as 1 in the morning with this guy". I was gonna get another female friend and start doing something else around the same time, but I am not sure what to do that would have a similar effect, but if she is really let's say doing some sneaky stuff, it doesn't seem worth it to continue. What are your thoughts on this? Am I thinking too much?