Red pill can simply be summed up as: looks, status and game are what controls if a woman wants to fuck. Not being nice or a good family man.

Looks compromises: hairstyle, face, teeth, height, muscularity , dress/style etc

Status compromises: general popularity, popularity within a niche , having money/showing off an expensive lifestyle, having a sexy job/passion (musician/artist/ dj /drug dealer) etc

Game compromises: charisma , charm, flirting skills , seduction skills, kino/escalation skills.

If we give every a category 3 points out of the ten point system . And leave 1 point for compatible personality.

A woman's 10/10 would have: 3/3 looks based on her preferences , 3/3 status based on what she finds important , 3/3 game and that 1 point for compatibility.

A guys with 1.5/3 looks , 1.5/3 status and 1.5/3 game and the 1 for compatibility still 5.5/10 in her eyes.

That's a decent score and also the reason why actual average guys (not bottom tier autistic losers these guys pretend is average) have no problems getting girlfriends.

Even the most bluepill immersed guy can agree with the above with some reasoning. Women might want compatible personality to be worth 5/10 or something silly .

All these factors obviously matter so how do these guys come to the conclusion that only face/height matter?

I've seen short guys slay. They've maxed the rest of their looks, status and game. Even if they lose 1/10 ten for height and .5/10 for not being rich their max is still 8.5/10.

Autistic guys automatically lose 3/3 points for game and 2/3 for status and will rarely find a girl who's compatible. Even with 3/3 looks they are still only max at 4/10. This is explains my former dorm-mate who despite being hot enough to have girls approach him still left college with only 1 lay ( a chubster). He had aspergers and was a late bloomer hence was socially isolated in high school.

Edit: You guys are such defeatist whiny losers that no woman could ever want to fuck you for anything over than money.