Summary Takin a different approach, through a newly acquired persona, In essence, not needing women. Letting women need to have you.

Things that come easy lose their value.

As a woman, obtaining sex takes about 1/5th the amount of effort it takes for a man, And thats being generous. Like someone recently said, shower, make-up, heels and a dress, splash of perfume and you can guarantee you will be approached that night. Of course, women have physical attraction standards as well. Although not as specific as mens, they still judge sexually based off of the physicality. This is instilled in them at a young age, they are fully aware of how easy they have it when it comes to sex. And like a rich kid doesn't understand the value of money, many women don't understand the value of sex. It becomes something that doesn't hold much value. Even if their sex drive is high, sometimes higher than mens in my experience (gotta love those types).

This abundance creates a depreciation of something men hold to the utmost importance. So, imagine when you fall under the category of a 7-9 out of 10 physically, you can see where this is going. How can anyone bypass this? Of course, when a man of equal physical attraction rating approaches them, the chances of her desiring him will increase, but there will always be that easy ability to say no, or to reject him for the smallest things he may do that "devalue" him in her eyes. On one hand, this makes women better at relationships, they learn to see past the physicality and see some of the more important, per say, traits in a man. A sense of humor, personality, intelligence, etc.

Like anyone on this earth, our personas are shaped by our experiences. The man who was cheated on, resents women. The woman who was abused physically, fears men. We get that. So what happens when you are wanted by everyone that see's you in your everyday life, you feel empowered. You call the shots now in your sex life, and in many other aspects of life as well. You feel in control. Great feeling huh? You can pick and choose from the stock as you please.

Now add the internet into that equation. Not only can the people in your everyday life see you, EVERYONE can. You're social media is your soapbox, your platform for fame and glory, a never ending stream of admiration, attention, love and obsession because of your looks and lifestyle you portray to anyone in the world with internet access. This breeds the modern day female under about the age of 27-30. A spoiled, snobby little girl that believes, and KNOWS her pussy is the key to the city. It unlocks anything she wants in life. This combined with everything else mentioned or not mentioned, leads to sex being something only needed rarely to get your head straight, alleviate stress, or to just get off once a month when you get horny. And you know what guys, we can't blame them. Justin Bieber is a perfect example of a douche bag spoiled rotten little boy. Yes he was blessed with a great voice, and I am sure he works hard at his music. Regardless, he is just an example of what I am getting at. And that is that this scenario can happen to anyone, man or female. Although put both in the same circumstances, chancer are much much higher for it to overtake women. Just by their genetic design socially, emotionally, and mentally. They are more easily afflicted.

So How Is This Fixed

Who fucken knows. All you can do as a man is deal on an individual basis, especially concerning any LTR or God forbid... Marriage. Time to take back the reigns. Luckily for you, women loving being dominated. And I mean in every way, not just sexually. They are fully aware of their inherent weaknesses. Many of them weaknesses men do not possess. And on the contrary, are their biggest strengths. Un-tapping this is the key to success with women. However, women aren't the only ones who have been mentally hijacked in todays society... We have been to.

Men of Today

Sex-obsessed. More so than ever before I believe. Porn and the sexuality in media and society has led men to be controlled largely by their sexual desires. Of course, we always have been. Both sexes are, but its been taken to a whole new level. Literal fucking slaves. Yeah, you. Me too. With the ability to see as many hot naked women as you can for free online, virtual sex is something we have at our fingertips at all times. Every commercial, every ad, every TV- program, the Anchorwoman on the fucking news, all of it is geared towards exploiting your hyper inflated sexual obsession. The way women dress, fucken everything. You are like ducks in a fucking pond, and you DONT CARE.

Because our sexuality is hi-jacked. And thats why when confronted, or made aware, we either blow off this subject, or demonize it like an addict in denial. Because it feels so right to be so obsessed with fucking women. Having sex with them, dreaming of having sex with them, fantasizing to every girl you see in person, it all feels so right. And "sex feel so fucking great, fuck no I am not going to stop, OP you are crazy what are you talking about?" Alright then my friend, then move along or call me crazy, I don't really care. Just realize in your young mind, that sex is one of the best things in life, but it is not everything, in life.

Combatting What We Have Created

Is difficult. But its taking two steps back to get ten forward. And yes, that most definitely includes advancing your sex life. It's reverse psychology, I guess. Imagine being the guy that walks by an attractive woman, and not needing her. Taking any interest in her only as a, human to human contact. Being cordial and yourself. Not letting her know you want her. Now this has contingencies. This doesn't mean being a 5 thats going for a 10. You still need to compete in your weight class. Women have this idea in their head, for good reason, that everyone wants them, in their class or higher depending on who she thinks she is, and when someone comes along that is well rounded, successful in his own way, and has character, personality and charisma, yet shows no obvious signs of wanting her sexually. It really messes with her psyche. She goes into the mode of, "why isn't he interested in me??"

She hasn't really experienced this before, and if she has it is not often. Now she is put into the shoes of a man, or at least is getting the taste of what its like to be a man. And this is called novelty. Its different, it calls for action and work, work she isn't scared of and is wiling to do to obtain what she wants. Sometimes, this only works so far to where she sets enough bait that you bite, and the fact that you bit is enough for some women to lose interest and feel like they've won. Chances are, these types play games, and are a million piece puzzle, with a few pieces missing. As hot as they are, you probably don't want anything to do with them. Because as much as we are after sex, personality and chemistry play a large role for us men too.


When I was young my friends and I were all smoking and drinking together, and they asked how was it that I was able to hook up with so many girls. I'm not some super tall, buff guy. Not at the time on that last part at least. So what was it? I am really good looking, with a good body, Sure. But I live in South Orange County, there are plenty of great looking humans everywhere. I told them its like inception. It is the exact same principle as the movie. You plant an idea into her head. Your job is to let her know subtly that hooking up with you is a good idea. This does not mean picking up one liners, and all of the bullshit I see some people discuss. It means being yourself. Being charismatic, funny, or not funny, having a personality is KEY. Maybe you're a really funny guy, maybe you're an asshole, who knows. But being yourself and who you really are is the key.

That along with having a good body and style, is the first step in planting the idea into her head that you would be fun. Having a good body means you are a man in my book. It means you want to be ready for any situation that requires strength and speed. You care about your appearance. You are interesting. You aren't like all of the other drunken men that are there to escape reality at their shitty jobs with their useless paper degree from college, with no idea what you actually want to do with your life. You have plans. You have ideas. You have created yourself into the person you want to be. You have hobbies and passions you pursue. And you don't seem to need to have her, she's just one of 3.7 Billion women in the world. And now you are on her mind. When she is talking to some other guy later that night, she is comparing you to him. This guy is clearly into her and really wants her, but you didn't need her. So he's easy, and you require "work." You require, validation. Because now, she knows she is just one in billions, and women like to feel important. So she is going to make herself feel important to you. Fuck all those other girls, heres why YOU should want ME, this girl. I know you don't need me, but you should because (insert reasons). Women spend their entire life seeking validation. And only settle down once they find someone they really could never validate, but they want to keep trying. You don't need her. And she likes that. She just wants to make you want her. We operate similarly as men.

This does not mean sitting back like a douche bag thinking women will flock to you, it just means that when talking to them, make them feel like they are the 20th girl you have met that night. And you have all of your other bases covered. And you aren't drunk and just wanting to fuck her. You don't need to fuck anyone. You are too busy and interested with yourself. And if she wants to get on board, she can. This is really hard to put into words and explain, but I am doing my best. Its a lifestyle I believe works very well. It isn't a sure fire plan, but it seems to really attract a cool girl. One that could be a great plate. Its like fishing, and can require patience.

I don't believe this method is best used in bars and clubs. Its a better method for someone you see more than just once in a lifetime. However, it has worked for me in both situations quite well. Women that seemingly were unicorns, I pulled and no one understood how after all of the attempts they have made. Its because of this method. It really gets a hook in them to know you do not need them at all. This is the Chads you speak of often. He doesn't need any of these girls. He is busy with his own life. Girls want that guy. They do not want a guy who needs them. Just like a very needy girl can be very unattractive.

Monk Mode, Resetting, Preparing a Game Plan

Most young men in todays day really need this I believe. A time of celibacy and abstinence. It sucks. I am just now entering into one. Is means no sex, no porn, no masturbation. It means work, nights alone, eating healthy. Working out. Researching diet and exercise regiments to suit you goals. Figuring out a game plan for excelling toward what it is you want for yourself in life. Money, power, comfort, happiness. Take your pick. Make a game plan. Strengthen your will and discipline. Something highly lacked in todays young men. Look for chinks in your armor, what are your weaknesses? Forget all about women during this time, train yourself to not need them at all. Become Non-Sexual. It brings forth a great deal of clarity. For some this means a month, for most I would recommend 3. Simply because I find a month be easy, 2 months difficult, three nearly impossible. So 3 is what I am doing. Accomplishing things that are difficult, STRUGGLING, it builds immense power and character. A deep rooted appreciation arises for life. And the greatest benefit is the acquired ability to not need sex and women. Give it a shot.