Too tired to retype so I'll copy/paste my AITA post.

I met my friend B in high school, we bonded through video games and anime. In university, I found out about TRP and considered it a new opportunity to remake myself. He and some of my other friends laughed at me for being a tryhard when I went to the gym, trained MMA, bought fashionable clothes, and spent extra money on grooming/hygiene. I tried to help them and tried to get them to improve with me, but they ignored me and played video games all day while bitching about not getting women. At first, I looked pathetic lifting low weights in the gym and wasting time and money while getting rejected. But eventually, I found some success. I even had a few hookups before finding a girl I fell in love with. Let's call her A.

So B was clearly infatuated with her since the beginning, I can tell because he gets nervous around hot women. Eventually he got jealous. For example, I'd talk to girls and he'd try to call me out for "flirting" while in a relationship when I really wasn't, I was just being charming and sociable. And we got in an argument because he felt I wasn't good enough to A to deserve her, and that it's unfair he was way nicer than me but didn't have a gf. He didn't phrase it like that, but it's how it came off. Eventually he told my gf that I was a nerd before and all this was a cover, and that I didn't really like sports or anything before I found out about The Red Pill, he was basically trying to white knight and hoping to win her over by bringing me down.

A was really upset with me, and asked me what I was doing on that forum. I told her it's just a self-improvement subreddit that teaches to work out and be a man, the rest is just banter for shits and giggles. I set her off with the wrong words/phrasing though and we got in the most heated argument of my life. She accused me of being fake and being manipulative by using PUA tricks on women, I told her I don't really abuse those tricks and it's more like some makeup for my personality than being fake. She also asked if I hated women and was kind of turned off about me changing myself from a nerd to a "jock". She almost dumped me, but luckily changed her mind after the night she temporarily dumped me. I told her I never had a strong father figure and that without TRP I'd never have gotten the confidence to get a girl as cute as her, and we made up.

I sort of became the leader of our nerd group over time, and after B backstabbed me like that I kicked him out of our video game clan and told my other friends to avoid him too. Most of the guys listened and sided with me. His side was that he only told the truth, and what have I got to hide, and etc, but I told him I knew it was a passive aggressive attempt to white knight and simp for my girl. And that I knew him well and he wasn't concerned about misogyny, he only used that as an excuse.

She used to playfully call me an asshole and stuff, but now the relationships all serious. I'm wondering if the spark is ruined for good and if I'm better off just nexting?