Mods can delete this if they want, but this needs preservation for posterity. From a user called "kryptokate," who brilliantly addresses the fear of every RP guy, and describes perfectly what the blue pill is. The "blue pill" is the denial, evasion, and obfuscation of the reality that kryptokate outlines.

(If the OP wants to put this up herself, pm me and I'll delete this. It's just that good.)

I swear, if she's actually not just a male troll, this chick is the edward snowden of women. ;)

"OK I realize that this post is old but I’ve got some real answers to your questions. Blackdragon, you pride yourself on telling the truth and as a serial-monogamist woman, I’m here to do the same. I’ve found basically everything on your blog to be completely true, and if anything, you don’t go far enough. As for me, I’m in my late 30s and have spent my life since age 16 going from one boyfriend to the next with basically zero time in between and every man I’ve ever been with has fallen madly in love with me, so those are my credentials. I wasn’t raised with religion and I’m an INTP so I saw through the social conditioning earlier and easier than most (though it still took 3 guys before I realized it was just a biological reaction and had nothing to do with the actual guys themselves): 1. This depends on what kind of guy they are. If they’re betas, no, of course not. It would be incredibly cruel and they will be horribly hurt and devastated. Since I have empathy, I can’t tolerate that. The only way I can tolerate it later on is because my vagina will be nauseated by them and blazing for someone else, and that is the only thing that motivates me to do the horrible work of breaking a sweet guy’s heart. And even then it’s incredibly hard and it only happens because of the intensity of the biological motivations. But when I’m in the initial relationship stages and still attracted to them, there is no way I could emotionally tolerate saying something that will upset them so much.

If they’re an Alpha, then yes I will tell them, but it doesn’t matter because they won’t believe it. I have straight-out told guys before, in the beginning, “I am a destroyer of men” and they just think it’s cute or funny or a challenge (until it happens to them).

If they’re a needy alpha, then no I would never tell them this because it would get a hostile, angry, and possibly violent or retaliatory reaction.

But just to be clear, the same result with happen with any guy…it’s not just betas who will eventually be dumped. The only real difference is that with a beta I will spend a LOT longer fucking him after I no longer want to, and I’ll take many more pains to try to convince myself to still be attracted to him and just generally try to make it work (which it won’t, but I’ll at least try). With an alpha…well let’s be honest, these don’t exist over the long term, they all turn into needy alphas or betas eventually. And with a needy alpha, I may be afraid of him and therefore will refrain from cheating or breaking up solely out of fear, but otherwise I will do so as quickly as I can figure out a safe way to do so and won’t care about trying to make it work.

  1. I just stay totally non-committal and don’t respond one way or the other when they talk about marriage. I don’t encourage it or engage in it but I also don’t say “that will never happen.” I might tell them I don’t want kids if I think they won’t get upset or hostile. As time goes on and they begin to press on the commitment/marriage issue, I will begin to reveal my cards and that’s when they will either go along with what I want (if they’re betas) or we will start having explosive arguments and breaking up (if they’re needy alphas).

  2. No of course not. This question doesn’t even make sense. Why would I continue having sex with my old boyfriend when the whole reason I leave him is because eventually I find it gross to have sex with him? The ONLY time I’ve continued to have sex with an old boyfriend is when I broke up with him because he was a Needy Alpha (i.e. not because I was bored of him but because he was a pain in the ass…in which case I would still be attracted and could return every month or two to fuck until it blew up again because he was trying to clamp down the cage over my head).

  3. Betas = yes I feel horrible. Literally lifelong horrifying levels of guilt that I will never truly get over. I have actually visited therapists and hypnotists to try to get rid of the guilt. Generally it takes me months after I want to break up to build up the courage and harden my heart enough to actually do it. I care about them and it kills me to do it but what choice is there? It eventually becomes too nauseating to continue having sex and pretending not to be disgusted.

Alphas = as I said before, there is no such thing as an Alpha over the long-term in my experience – every man eventually turns into a beta or a Needy Alpha.

Needy Alpha = I feel relief and joy. And if they were major dicks at the end then I will also feel triumphant and smugly satisfied and righteous, though this will eventually turn into sympathy after enough time has passed.

  1. Yes of course, it’s embarrassing and after enough time a woman like me just gets a reputation as being a man-eater who goes through men and your friends and family stop taking it seriously – they will make jokes about it or roll their eyes or whatever. They will probably feel sorry for the men, my parents actively pity any guy I date. Again, however, what exactly is the alternative here? I stopped bringing boyfriends to my annual work retreat years ago for precisely this reason, nor do I post any pics or evidence about new boyfriends on FB. But am I supposed to hide them from everyone in my life? That’s not practical and the guy will demand to be introduced to family/friends or get offended.

Another thing you’re not considering is that if all of my male acquaintances/friends don’t know I have a boyfriend, they will be actively trying to fuck me and that’s annoying. You’re forgetting that telecasting that you have a boyfriend is the best possible way to signal to other men that they shouldn’t hit on you.

  1. This question shows where you’re confused. I would love to just date for six months or a year. But what you’re forgetting is that MEN WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS. I have never, in my life, met a single guy who I can have sex with who will not insist on monogamy and locking me down. I have literally gone out of my way to seek out scumbags and it still doesn’t matter. It’s in their nature to try to lock down women and if they sense that you’re less interested in monogamy than they are they will become obsessed with trying to block other men from your vagina. Therefore, this idea of just dating/fucking is a fantasy. If I tried to do that I would have no dates because I have literally had men withhold sex from me and tell me that they refuse to have sex with me anymore until they can get a commitment from me. I know you will think I am making that up but I swear I’m not.

  2. I’ve already been married and yes I let my ex-husband convince me (during the NRE stage) that I could actually be long-term monogamous by pure force of will. By the time we were actually saying “I do” I was only half-way convinced. And honestly, the guilt, the commitment, the social pressure, and the shame did cause me to hold out for 5 years, which is waaaayyyyyy longer than the 6 month maximum which is my “natural” timeframe. At this point, I do NOT want to be married ever again. My “plan,” if I had my way, would be to live for the rest of my life with my platonic best friends (either male or female) and have them be my source of companionship and family, while fucking new guys every few months. Basically the Golden Girls model would be the ultimate old-lady life for me and seems way more fun than living with some old guy you can’t stand and have to listen to fart in bed every morning.

However, society won’t let me do this (though I think in the future it will be the preferred way of living). Right now, almost everyone is universally horrified when I tell them that that is my preferred way of living with the exception of smart women who always understand why it would be a desirable arrangement. They are the ONLY people who don’t meet the idea with defensiveness, anxiety, or anger.

  1. No of course not. I make up a different viable and personalized excuse for each guy which is custom-tailored to preserve his ego and dignity and emotions to the maximum extent possible. I’ve come up with all kinds of crazy things. But the one reason I will never tell them is “I don’t want to have sex with you anymore and I want to have sex with other guys” because that is the single worst and most devastating thing for any man to hear from a woman. It is also the actual reason that women end ALL relationships except for those with Needy Alphas (who I’ve often still wanted to have sex with but they are so annoying and unpleasant to be around that even the great sex isn’t enough to tolerate them for long).

  2. There is zero regimentation and the idea that a system is necessary is silly. Let me explain it because it is very, very simple: when you meet a new guy you’re attracted to, you get wet just thinking about him. After a while it takes making out to get you wet. A little while longer and nothing will get you wet except for direct stimulation of your vagina while you think about something else that turns you on. And then a little while after that and you will start to feel actively repulsed when he touches you or tries to kiss you and it will take a very strong force of will to not slap his hands away or snap at him out of visceral revulsion.

This will happen even though you think he is the most wonderful person you know and your best friend and you care about him more than anything. And you would do anything to jumpstart your vagina or be attracted like you used to. But it is a completely biological process and works on its own and has nothing to do with your thoughts or opinions or conscious desires. At the beginning of your relationship you will be dripping for him and aroused. Later it will take work to get you there. And still later, nothing in the world will get you there and that’s why there are a billion brands of lube sold (no one needs that in the beginning of a relationship).

  1. See above. It is purely biological. Also, after you have been with the same guy for a while and a new guy touches you, your physical reaction will be so volcanic that there is literally nothing to stop it. The longer you’ve been monogamous, the more extreme your reaction to a new man will be. After I was married for 5 years (far and away the longest period of monogamy in my life), the first time I hooked up with a new guy I was literally almost unconscious with arousal and desire. Wild horses will not stop your arousal once it is triggered by a new guy in this manner. Seriously. That is why women will blow up and burn down their entire life and it will just be because their vagina is on fire for a new guy and there is nothing they can do to stop it. See the scene in the movie Unfaithful where Diane Lane’s character is literally convulsing with desire for a dead-on portrayal of what it is like. For guys, I would suggest that the most intense and reactive sex they’ll ever have is with a married woman.

  2. I was in love with a few of them. Being actually “in love” makes zero difference as far as the biological mechanism that I described above. In fact I would say it makes for an even starker and more disturbing distinction when your attraction dies, which it will, and not even on a slower track.

The only things that extend the length of the attraction dying track are a highly volatile relationship with a somewhat scary needy alpha (though you will also hate his guts). Sadly, fear does make vaginas wet. I’m convinced this is an evolved protective mechanism to ensure that women are lubricated and supplicant in the presence of a potentially dangerous/violent person, since that would drastically increase their survival rates. There is no solution to any of this and it sucks for women just as much as for guys. I’m not sure you really realize how heartbreaking it is to find that your body is disgusted by the person you love most in the world and once loved to kiss and fuck for hours. And there is literally nothing you can do about it. Or how bad it sucks that you will stay most attracted, and for the longest, to a guy that you otherwise can’t stand (a needy alpha). You men might get left, but at least you can love and lust the same person and not have it evaporate in just a few months.

Also, I just want to say that the only reason that all women don’t do the above is that most aren’t attractive or smart enough to be able to. But that’s the only reason. But in the same way that a harem/polygamy is the ultimate expression of man’s unrestrained sexuality, serial monogamy that doesn’t last longer than a few months (maybe a couple years if they have a baby but that is it TOPS) is what all women would do if they were unrestrained. Lots of women are so unattractive that they can’t be sure of getting a new guy so they will stick with their guy purely out of fear and no options. And lots of hot women are so dumb that they allow themselves to be fooled by religious/social conditioning so that even while they naturally enact what I’ve described above, they will never actually be AWARE of it, and they’ll make up all kinds of rationalizations. The tiny handful of very smart and also hot women I’ve known are gigantic man eaters and are absolutely aware of all of this though they will hide it from almost everyone. But you have to be hot enough to have lots of options and smart enough to figure out how to do what you want without inciting the wrath of men and society in order to actually pull it off. All women would if they could, usually only sexy/smart women will.

And sorry for any of you guys looking for some hope, but the hotter your girlfriend is, the more I can give you a 100% guarantee of her cheating on you. The only way to not be cheated on is to have a woman so ugly no one wants her, so dumb she will listen to you for a while (but she will also listen to another guy eventually so this is only a delaying tactic, not a solution), or to physically restrain/threaten her. Other methods work sometimes, such as fear of eternal damnation or social ostracism, but they’re not foolproof."

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