TL;DR: Red Pill theory and methodology attracts such a wide range of reactionary counterarguments and relentless resistance of acceptance from both BP men and women (primarily of feminist persuasion) due to a critical, underlying disparity in how a Red Pill man views the world as opposed to how most people view the world. Essentially, swallowing the red pill means altering one’s presupposed notions of how the world works and what to expect from it, whereas BP men and SJW communities attempt to bend the world to their will – a largely wasteful consumption of time and energy that ultimately breeds more frustration.

The Narrative of Dissatisfaction:

As Red Pill men, we have undergone a transformation of both mind and body in order to achieve a greater sense of enjoyment from our lives. Most of us stumbled upon the community in search of how to avoid remaining rejected by society. Primarily, this “rejection” radiates from what blue pill men desire the most: to be coddled by that once-in-a-lifetime, gem of a girl, and maybe after we show her how worthy we are through flowers and romantic dates under a burning sunset, she’ll let us dip our hands into the cookie jar. Society has graciously conditioned us, the chivalrous white knights of the 21st century, on how to lead a life of “purpose” by “honorably” providing for our loving significant other. By catering to the “better half” of the world, we as men will find unending happiness.

Society lied.

Mountains of emasculated manlets are scurrying across the earth and groveling at the feet of women in order to feel a trickle of acknowledgement of worthiness. These trampled men scramble for an explanation as to why a perfectly innocent girl like Slutty Sally is riding on 20% of the male population’s cock, while she merely teases the other 80%, namely us, for helping her pass chemistry. You and I were once part of this selection of society as well (maybe you’re still trying to cross the border); frustration is what led us here in the first place. Ultimately, these men who exist in the peripherals of society become increasingly frustrated with Slutty Sally’s resistance and all of those “scumbags” that swept her away. The frustrated hordes of men attempt to change Slutty Sally’s desires, seek answers from her, and grow jealous of the dominant muscles she clings to. In extreme cases, this frustration manifests into unstable men loading magazines of 5.56 mm ammunition into their AR-15’s to go on “righteous” shooting sprees and find “revenge” for society’s wrongdoings. Likewise, feminists who are “victimized” by our fascistic, patriarchal, cis-gender society once again lead “righteous” revolts in opposition to some supposed inequality (sexist air conditioning) of the Western world. Those of us who have swallowed the Red Pill see right through this “troubled world” and have the language to discuss it in detail. Individuals who are convinced that the world should comfort them, on the other hand, are adamant in rejecting our methods and thereby succumb to their own frustration.

The Philosophy of Dissatisfaction:

There are two words that we need to have a clear understanding of in the context of this essay: will and reality. An individual’s “will” embodies their personal, predisposed notions about how the world is or should be and what they want from this world. We, as Red Pill men, use sexual strategy to fulfill our will of getting laid or climbing the rungs of the social ladder. On the other hand, “reality” is the exterior world that we as individuals have little to no control over, completely separate from our internalized will.

Where BP men and many women become frustrated is when they adopt the idea that their will is essentially synonymous, or should be synonymous, with reality. While will and reality are closely related, they do not overlap. Because of a will-reality fallacy, unstable men bring their favorite rifle to their college, feminists make history by raising the temperature in office buildings, and most relevant, BP men resist swallowing the pill instead of growing both mentally and physically. Let’s apply a small dose of logical thinking as up and coming Red Pill men:

Premise 1: I want Slutty Sally to like me, maybe even fuck me, but she doesn’t know I exist.

Premise 2: I have had no luck with women all my life and am an obese, pale, menstrual wimp.

Conclusion: I need to listen to Red Pill methodology, start lifting, and man up.

This is the conclusion that we as Red Pill men came to when stumbling upon the discussions taking place in this subreddit. To us, the solution is obvious in that no girl would even think of acknowledging a whiny bitch on the sidelines of society, so we must become desirable; however, BP men and SJW’s ignore how things actually are and instead impose their ideals on the rest of society. “Why should I, a sweaty land whale, have to cut back on the chocolate milkshakes to acquire a useful beta provider?” Likewise, “Why should I, a chivalrous nice guy, have to accept the true nature of women and put on more than a smelly tee to get into Slutty Sally’s pants?” The recognition that the majority of people, including us at one point or another, attempt to apply this outward strategy of changing reality shows how ignorantly idealistic society has become in recent years.

The Rational Few, the Angry Majority:

Instead of conforming reality to one’s will, we can instead conform our will to reality through the stoic alternative. Conforming one’s will to reality is in no way settling for something less; rather, it is more logical in the sense that we are eagerly learning about how the world actually is in order fulfill our will efficiently and effectively.

Here at the Red Pill, we first adhere to our presupposed will that there is a special woman for each of us and we must follow society’s guidelines in order to attain her, later transforming this ideal into an array of knowledge concerning the logistics of men and women in order to transcend this societal fantasy. This fundamental disparity is why third wave feminists and BP men seem incapable of solving their issues and reaching a state of equilibrium. While these pitied groups continuously strive to “make the world a better place,” consequently becoming more frustrated when reality doesn’t bend and wondering why fee fees got hurt, Red Pill men travel on the road less taken, readjusting their desires so that they are in line with how the world actually works. It is far more rational to conform your will to reality than to attempt to bend reality to satisfy your fallible will.

In the final analysis, it is important to recognize that BP men and SJW groups are not the only contributors to the will-reality fallacy. Many new additions to the Red Pill community are undergoing the well known Anger Phase that plagues those men who find nothing but hatred for the society that perpetuated a lie. Similarly, there are members who find themselves stuck in this phase for months on end and seek a path towards happiness. In order to achieve our maximum potential, we as rational individuals must accept the world for what it is rather than wallow in a pit of counterproductive negativity. We must accept that Slutty Sally only wants to ride on the Alpha Cock Carousel™ and that taking a full dose of the Red Pill is necessary to become a member of the exclusive club. This acceptance of reality is what drives the Red Pill’s fundamental success and what turns so many BP men and SJWs against us.

Lessons Learned:

  • Simple philosophy can be successfully applied as a foundation of the Red Pill.

  • We must conform our will to reality rather than the opposite – this is a fundamental step in practicing sexual strategy.

  • The Red Pill’s success can be contributed to the understanding of how the world actually is rather than what it should be.

  • Staying angry at society’s lie is wasteful; instead, accept life stoically, read more, lift heavier, and practice Red Pill methodology.