
Playboy will no longer show nude women. Now, this is of course in part due to market pressures - nude women in print are nothing compared to infinite variety of HD footage in your pocket, any time any where for free. But I would much prefer that Playboy die with dignity, and leave this world as it entered, than to have the following done to it;

Previous efforts to revamp Playboy, as recently as three years ago, have never quite stuck. And those who have accused it of exploiting women are unlikely to be assuaged by a modest cover-up.

Those people can go vigourously assuage themselves to fucking death, for all I care. In a free Capitalist market, if you don't like it then don't fucking buy it you bilious cunt.

When Hefner created the magazine, which featured Marilyn Monroe on its debut cover in 1953, he did so to please himself. “If you’re a man between the ages of 18 and 80, Playboy is meant for you,” he said in his first editor’s letter. “We enjoy mixing up cocktails and an hors d’oeuvre or two, putting a little mood music on the phonograph, and inviting in a female acquaintance for a quiet discussion on Picasso, Nietzsche, jazz, sex ...”

And tell me; what will replace such a thing now? Hint; unless it is made 100% by and for men and holds the finger up to every whinging liberal's complaints, it's not a replacement. It's a bastardisation. What men's media is left, I ask you?

In August last year, its website dispensed with nudity. As a result, Playboy executives said, the average age of its reader dropped from 47 to just over 30, and its Web traffic jumped to about 16 million from about 4 million unique users per month.

You know why that is? Because my generation have become so browbeaten, so depraved and contorted in their sexualities that they now feel shame for objectifying women, a duty upon which our fucking existence is predicated. What kind of pathetic manlet is happier when you give him less nudity, so that he doesn't feel quite so meeeeeean to women?

The magazine will adopt a cleaner, more modern style, said Jones, who as chief content officer also oversees its website. There will still be a Playmate of the Month, but the pictures will be “PG-13” and less produced — more like the racier sections of Instagram. “A little more accessible, a little more intimate,” he said. It is not yet decided whether there will still be a centerfold.

Its sex columnist, Jones said, will be a “sex-positive female,” writing enthusiastically about sex. And Playboy will continue its tradition of investigative journalism, in-depth interviews and fiction. The target audience, Flanders said, is young men who live in cities. “The difference between us and Vice,” he said, “is that we’re going after the guy with a job.”

Right. So let me clarify - dirty men's magazines are no longer dirty OR written by men. Unless they're trolling feminists, and this 'columnist' is going to be 'writing' with her exposed tits on the 'page' of a camera film, then I can't think of anything worse to be done to Playboy. How long do you think it'll be before Playboy is telling its readers about choreplay, dad-bods and manspreading? Fuck that.

Some of the moves, like expanded coverage of liquor, are partly commercial, Flanders admitted; the magazine must please its core advertisers. And all the changes have been tested in focus groups with an eye toward attracting millennials — people ages 18 to 30-something, highly coveted by publishers. The magazine will feature visual artists, with their work dotted through the pages, in part because research revealed that younger people are drawn to art

Yes, millennials are coveted alright. You know why? Because they have the attention spans of fucking goldfish, absolutely fucking zero substantive/strongly held values and a deeply ingrained shame about their natural desires. I wrote a comment yesterday about a Machiavellian massaging self-doubt into paranoia, to make it easier to exploit a mark from his blind spot. This is what the corporate democracy has done to my generation.

"This is great! Buy it! So is this! Buy that too! You don't need any of this shit! You must not find women attractive you misogynist! Buy this to repent your sins!"

The company now makes most of its money from licensing its ubiquitous brand and logo across the world — 40 percent of that business is in China even though the magazine is not available there — for bath products, fragrances, clothing, liquor and jewelry among other merchandise. Nudity in the magazine risks complaints from shoppers, and diminished distribution.

Shoppers? You mean feminist cunts and the poor souls who have had the very fabric of their masculinity contorted into a noose around their necks? Fuck 'em.

Flanders and Jones feel that the magazine remains relevant, not least because the world has gradually adopted Hefner’s libertarian views on a variety of social issues. Asked whether Hefner’s views on women were the exception to that rule, Flanders responded that Hefner had “always celebrated the beauty of the female figure.”

Male sexuality =/= misogyny. Men objectify women because we find their forms desirable. Hefner gets this. Billy McBetaBitch interviewing obviously does not.

“Don’t get me wrong,” Jones said of the decision to dispense with nudity, “12-year-old me is very disappointed in current me. But it’s the right thing to do.”

12-years old. That's as old as you used to be able to get before your sexuality was demonised, chased into a corner and dragged kicking and screaming to the drowning pool. They're gonna get your fucking mind right, kid.