About a year ago Shoshana Roberts put on her tightest clothes, took the subway to the poorest neighborhood in New York and proceeded to flaunt her fat butt in front of Black and Hispanic men for 10 hours. Princess Shoshana's journey was given the uncreative title: 10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman. That video went viral and was met by cries for someone to do something about the coloreds street harassment.

Shoshana Roberts spends her time tweeting about her expensive yoga pants and babysitting rich kids. Seems like a pretty comfortable life. In contrast, the dudes in the video don't have it as good. The New York Police department has decided to enhance public safety by touching as many Black and Hispanic penises as it can get its hands on, in a street harassment policy called Stop and Frisk. This is the American equivalent of the European Papers Please, with the added bonus of a scrotum slap and a dick flick. Think about that for a minute. If you're a Puerto Rican living in New York and want to grab a churro, you gotta worry about a dude in blue grabbing your churro.

So what does Shoshana Roberts think about New York's plum squeezing epidemic? Nothing. Anybody with any semblance of compassion or empathy would realize that men’s issues are serious, and women's issues are cries for attention. There is literally no possible way that women could see veterans hobbling on crutches and think women are the primary victims of war. There is no honest way to reconcile male suicides with male privilege. There is no way to honestly push for campus consent policies while at the same time not giving a fuck about prison rape. But Shashona Roberts is neither honest nor ethical. She’s a woman, and she doesn't care about men who have nothing to offer her.

No debate should exist between feminism and men’s rights. If one group is talking about cat calls and the other is dying on the job then the debate is over. King of Men's Rights, Dean Esmay, makes excellent points that would convince any reasonable man. However what his royal highness needs to understand while he's eating fudge popsicles and loafing around in cargo shorts is that a conversation with women is not about logic. With the exception of Bruce Jenner, women are not men and therefore they don't think like men. Women don't care about logic they care about credibility, social standing, and tingles. To a woman it doesn't matter what is being said, only who is saying it.

Women are social creatures not logical creatures and that means they value social standing over reason. That's the MRM's big issue, they have no social standing. Women would rather reuse a tampon than have sex with a MRA. Until that changes and men's rights stops eating cheese puffs out of their fedoras, they will never gain traction among women and will continue going nowhere, just like Dean Esmay in his crocs.

So to all of the men's rights activists that got trolled into reading this article, do us all a favor and stop being a chubster, speak with confidence and for the love of pregnant MRA Jesus go lift. Your body is the message. The sooner you start taking your appearance seriously the sooner you will be taken seriously. Who knows maybe you guys can help make marriage a viable institution again or bring back free speech to university campuses. We the Red Pill are standing right behind you, getting our dicks sucked by insecure sorority girls and calling you fat.

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