Summary: Great example of the hamster, the misery that faces the "alpha female", and how it's men's fault we don't desire them

A single, career-oriented "alpha female" is developing an online dating website designed to help "alpha females" filter out the bottom 80% of men. Kudos to her - I admire her entrepreneurial spirit. But it's rather entertaining to watch her dance around red pill truths and only accept the ones that benefit women.

The hamster is strong. She opens up with how she is single at 31, and gloats her anecdotal evidence on how men aren't interested in dating a woman as ambitious as her, how she "qualified out guys that didn’t share my same drive to achieve, level of intellect, or desire to be in a relationship where our careers and social lives were of equal importance." She even links to some scientific studies that show that men don't want women that out perform them, and women don't want men that earn less than them. Despite the facts, she insists:

I wanted to build a community where smart, outspoken, high-achieving women are celebrated and encouraged to progress in their career full-time. I wanted to never EVER hear a woman be worried that her educational achievements or career ambition would be a turn-off.

Being an alpha female is cute, really. But you're just a queen, you'll never be the king. A king can make any woman his queen, but a queen can only make a man better than her king. He has to be better than you. So that leaves you with about 20% of men, and even less now that you're trying so hard to alpha.

Here's a gem on the "selective admission process":

If we open the gates too wide and too fast, we risk becoming like every other dating app out there where the men judge women on their looks and the women struggle to find men who value their intelligence and support their ambition.

TL;DR - 80/20 rule becomes 90/10 rule for alpha females, it's society's fault, masculine women always need men more masculine than them.