
Women are the most responsible teenager in the house. The reason is something called neoteny.


At TRP, we often say that women are the most responsible teenager in the house. I occasionally see posts here or on PPD arguing about why that is the case. Usually those defending it come from some more philosophical reasoning. But there is a much simpler explanation, one ingrained in the realities of biology and human evolution:

The reason for this is increased neoteny in human females.

In short, neoteny is the persistence of juvenile traits in adult individuals of a species. Amongst primates, humans exhibit a high degree of neoteny. Many stereotypical human traits – such as less body hair, higher foreheads, more delicate jawlines, and smaller brows are in fact neotenous traits. Neotenous traits have been selected for in human evolution, particularly in regards to sexual preferences of men. This includes the evolutionary psychology aspects of neoteny in humans (i.e. why women resemble children). More neotenous women are rated more attractive across all cultures.

Similar neotonous effects also explain the evolution of human behavior, such as the effects of testosterone on the human brain and its basis for differences in male/female behavior


It is ridiculous to argue that evolution affected every part of human biology, but that the brain and its psychological mechanisms were somehow spared of this. We know that every other mammalian species exhibits such differences in instinctive behaviors between males and females, but blue pill thinking is that this does not apply to humans.

It makes about as much sense as arguing that the universe revolves around the earth or that humans were created by some supreme being. That humans are "special." It's the same bullshit argument people have been making for thousands of years, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Arguing with feminists or blue pillers about evo-psych feels strangely like arguing with creationists about evolution.

In short, we know for a fact that human females are more neotenous than males. That is a scientifically established fact. We at TRP are simply stating the obvious corollary to that: that evolutionary selection of greater neoteny in females has affected them both physically and psychologically. Cause evolution affects the brain too. They act more like children, cause they are more like children. It’s not fucking rocket science.


Disclaimer: Just cause some people are more child-like, doesn’t imply that being aware of that is somehow “disrespectful.” It is simply a tool to help understand them and their behavior. I love children. I also love women. But I also realize that, as a grown man, they both see the world in a very different way than me.



Sex and reproduction drives the world, and thinking humans are somehow "enlightened" animals that supersede that is, quite frankly, fucking ridiculous. Evolution has shaped every aspect of us, including our brains and the psychology that goes along with it. Indeed, neoteny is a key component of this. When we say at TRP that “women are the most responsible teenagers in the house”, this is what we mean.

There is a purpose to the things we do, even if we are not cognizant of it. Most of it revolves around sexual reproduction and maximizing our genetic legacy, even if it doesn't seem so at first glance. A few thousand years of cultural evolution doesn't change that - it merely hides it behind various costumes and rituals. Once you understand that, it all makes sense.