my whole life i thought the world was a different place then it really is. i thought people were all good inside and everyone cared for each other and i dreamt about getting married and starting a family and having a house and all that...

I just turned 18 and my worldview is completely different now. we're just emotionless animals that are motivated by power and sex/reproduction. everything we do and have ever done was for this reason. religion doesn't exists it's just a ploy by the government to control people. love doesn't exist and peace is impossible due to human condition. you can't depend on a persons commitment, she could leave you the next second and the divorce courts would fuck you in the ass.

What's the point of all this, what's the point of force feeding a bunch of garbage i give no fucks about only to have a job from 9-5 and get by... What's the point of working on raising my SMV to fuck a couple chicks, it's just sex, it means nothing and it only feels good for less than 10 seconds when you cum.

I just don't fucking get the purpose of putting up with any of life's struggles anymore when we're going to all die in less than 100 years from now and it wouldn't even fucking matter anymore