I can absolutely assure you that if you follow the advice given on TRP you will have everything you want from women long, long before you achieve satisfaction in any other major aspect of your life. Truthfully, what TRP is asking from women as a community is incredibly small. Though you might think you're putting a greater emphasis on women since swallowing the pill, really you've reassigned them to a niche part of your life meant to fulfill biological desires and provide transient emotional connection. The asking price is low, far lower than the blue pill fantasy had you believe.

What do you actually need from women?

To understand what I mean above, you have to look at what you're actually looking for from women and then from everyone and everything else in your life. I believe I need 3 things from women.

1) Sex, when I want it.

2) Commitment, without giving it in return.

3) The ability to be left the fuck alone when I want, without worrying about future consequences.

In the TRP model of the world, that's all a man needs from women, and he can achieve it in 1-2 years of taking care of his appearance (lifting and dieting), learning game and amused mastery, and acclimating himself to the idea that all women are replaceable. Sex when you want it happens around plate #3. Getting commitment without giving it in return is a matter of learning to pick out the right type of women. Abundance mentality takes care of #3.

What do you need from everyone else?

1) Respect

2) Companionship and camaraderie

3) Loyalty

These are far higher asks. Respect is earned within a community. You can be rejected by 99% of all women and still have 3 plates by next Monday, just approach 300 girls. However, you have to earn the respect of the majority of your community to qualify as "well-respected." The blue pill world places the far greater responsibilities of companionship and loyalty on a single person: a woman. At TRP we recognize the glaring instability in that and instead pass these roles on to our friends, family, and community. Blue pill men cannot get what they want from women (or life) because they ask these things from a single woman and expect to get them consistently for the rest of their lives.

What do you need from everything else?

1) Comfort and financial freedom

2) A sense of self-fulfillment through your career and hobbies

Now we're talking about hefty demands, especially #2. Most people work their entire lives towards these things and never achieve them. TRP teaches discipline, ambition, and drive. This community encourages paths towards financial independence such as business ownership and smart investing. However, there are no shortcuts to these things. TRP can only really open your eyes to the idea that your options are more numerous than you think (e.g. you don't have to follow the prescribed path), but it cannot put in the years or more likely decades of work that it requires to become truly satisfied with what you've accomplished.

This is the true advantage of swallowing the pill. You've reassessed your priorities, you've discarded the enormously stupid idea that a single woman should be responsible for key aspects of your happiness, and you've opened your eyes to what it requires to feel independent and fulfilled.

Here’s the main takeaway:

TRP is primarily a sub devoted to sexual strategy, but understand that a direct consequence of the form of sexual strategy we preach is that women have become a tiny aspect of your life. Getting what you want from women is easy once you swallow the pill and reassess your expectations of them. Like all things, anything worth having is going to require hard work. The vast majority of your focus should be on ensuring you are able to work towards those other five pillars of success, all while keeping your dick wet enough that it's off your mind.