If you've been browsing the Internet for a while, you've probably seen pictures comparing the attitudes of men and women in certain topics, such as women saying that Barbies are unrealistic (Despite the fact that many women sport such a body) and men seeing Arnold or a He-Man and saying, cool, I wanna be that strong someday, or simply ignoring the "unrealistic" standards of beauty that are totally a social construct and not a reflection of hard work and dedication. Men get jealous, but most men tend to do something to change their situation or simply stay content where they are if it's not worth the trouble.

I live in northern Mexico, and though we've always had women that were feisty in the sense of "breaking glass ceilings" and other things that frankly, other women have always done without needing a loudspeaker to do it, now they're increasingly acting like those leftists you see protesting the most mundane shit, which is exactly what I want to talk about right now.

In my college, traditionally, there has been a beauty pageant for almost half a century, and what used to be just about beauty is now about electing a coordinator for student groups and all that sort of college shit. There is, of course, a college newspaper and in this newspaper are either the nerdy types who like writing about science, economics, politics, and other subjects, and you have the subgroup that writes opinion pieces, and you might guess what sort of opinions this newspaper brings, the more "liberal", left leaning, borderline Marxist kids.

So the elections for a new queen are around the corner, but the student committee was pressured by an LGBT group to shut it down for "sexism". Not only them, but a lot of women began with their shit about how the queen is a sexist concept, beauty is denigrating for a woman, what have you. The committee decided to put a king in as well, which I thought was a nice move, but they're saying that it's still sexist and denigrating. So, naturally, I investigate.

Who else was complaining, of course, but the ugly women, or the antisocial girls who apparently are too far out to even know how to apply. There's this strong attitude of "If I can't be queen, nobody can." I think it's a very strong combination of jealousy and indoctrination by bitter women (Many teachers in Mexico are women and very bitter ones at that).

Tl;dr: Women are jealous if another one is being treated better and they'll fight to change your perception of the world so she looks better in it.

P. S.

Small observation to add, I see a lot of betas defending the feminists and "radical" girls like it's going to get them laid. Little do they know how it really works, huh?